Obj. ID: 34027
Memorials Memorial to Rabbi Riccardo Pacifici at the Synagogue of Genoa, Italy
To the main object: New Synagogue in Genoa, Italy
Memorial name
No given name
Who is Commemorated?
Rabbi Riccardo Pacifici, and the Jews of Genoa killed in the Holocaust
This memorial, set outside the Synagogue of Genoa, is a small marble obelisk within a garden. The obelisk is inscribed with a Hebrew passage and has a dedicatory inscription on its base. The small garden it sits in is surrounded by a metal fence shaped to look like menorot, except directly in front of the memorial, so one may read the inscriptions.
On the obelisk, in Hebrew
זכר צדיק לברכה
Translation: Remember the righteous for a blessing
On the base, in Italian
La comunita' Israelitica di Genova
A perenne ricordo
del rabbino Riccardo Pacifici
che attuo' la legge divina
degnamente insegnata dal pulpito
che nell'ora del pericolo
rimase al suo posto di maestro
precedendo i confratelli
nella deportazione senza ritorno
Translation: The Jewish community of Genoa / I always remember / Rabbi Riccardo Pacifici / who implemented the divine law / worthily taught from the pulpit / then in the hour of danger / remained in his post as master preceding the brethren / in deportation without return
On the base, in Hebrew:
תשג תשה
1943 1945
Translation: 5703 - 5705 [=1943-1945] / 1943 1945
Commissioned by
The Jewish Community of Genoa
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