Obj. ID: 33188
Sacred and Ritual Objects Child's amulet, Ukraine, 19th century
The broken amulet was found in 2016 at "Sholamava gara", village Byval'ki, Homel'skaia vobl., Belarus.
In the centre of the amulet is a circle that has the letter ה in the middle standing for "the Lord". Around the circle there is a Hebrew inscription:
זה הילד יגדל לתורה / לחופה ומ"ט (מעשים טובים).
May this child rise to Torah/ Huppah and to good deeds.
The reverse side of the amulet is decorated with two fish. The break between the fish once had a hole for the chain. This side has an inscription and it reads:
י'ר'מ'ה'א'ו'א' [=יהיה רצון מלפניך ה' אלהינו ואלהי אבותינו]
שתציל תנוקת של
עמך ישראל שלא
תפול אסכרה בפיהם
ותגדלם לתורתך ותגן
עליהם ברחמיך
May it be Your will, our God and God of our ancestors
that You save children of
Your People Israel from
and raise them to Torah
and protect them with Your mercy (based on the verse from Likutei Tfilot, part 1, Prayer 28)
sub-set tree:
Lilientalowa, Regina, Dziecko żydowskie (Kraków: Polska Akademia Umiejȩtności, 1927), p. 46.