Obj. ID: 33122
  Memorials Old and New Holocaust Monuments at the Killing Site in Rubezhevichi, Belarus, 1961/2001
Memorial name:
No official name.
Who is Commemorated?
360 Jews from Rubezhevichi, killed on June 9, 1942.
The old monument on the killing site and mass grave of the Jews from Rubezhevichi is a modest stone slab shaped like a traditional Jewish tombstone. It bears a memorial inscription in the Russian language.
On the right side of the old monument, there is a new one. It is an upright stele that, as well as the stone slab, stands on a two-step podium.
In the upper part of the stele, the Magen David is depicted.
The monument bears two non-identical inscriptions: in Russian and Hebrew. At the bottom of the monument, there is an additional inscription in Russian: the epitaph and the name of the donor who erected the monument.
The territory of the monuments is surrounded by a fence. "The road of sorrow" [Шлях смутку] leads to it.
Old monument:
In Russian
человек евреев.
немцами в 1942 г. VI
В память от живых.
Here / are buried / 360 / people Jews. / Shot to death / by the Germans in 1942, VI / In memory from alive. / Rubezhevichi.
New monument:
In Russian
Здесь покоятся
360 евреев
зверскм уничтоженных
немецко-фашистскими захватчиками
в местечке Рубежевичи Столбцовского района
Translation: Here are buried / 360 Jews / brutally murdered / by the German-fascist invaders / 9.VI.1942 / in the town of Rubezhevichi of the Stowbtsy district.
In Hebrew
בקבר אחים זה נרצחו והושלכו
גופותיהם של 360 יהודי רוביזביץ[׳י]
על ידי הגורמים הנאצים ימ׳׳ש
ביום כ״ד סיון התש׳׳ב, 9 ביוני 1942
ארץ אל תכסי דמם.
אל יה׳ מקום לזעקתם׳׳
ת. נ. צ. ב. ה.
זכרם לא ימוש מלבנו [מליבנו] לעד
Translation: In this mass grave were killed and thrown / bodies of 360 Jews of Rubezhevichi / by the Nazi official, may their names be obliterated / on Sivan 24, 5702, June 9, 1942 / Earth, do not cover their blood / May their cry never be laid to rest / May their souls be bound in the bundle of life / Their memory will not be lost in our hearts forever.
At the bottom of the monument, in Russian:
Пусть родная белорусская земля будет им пухом
Скорбим, помним и никогда не забудем
От бывшего жителя местечка Рубежевичи
оставшегося в живых
Белкина Михаила Абрамовича
и его семьи
Translation: Let them rest in peace in the Belarusian native land / Mourn, remember, and will never forget / From the former resident of the town of Rubezhevichi / left alive / Belkin Mikhail Abramovich / and his family.
Commissioned by
The old monument is commissioned by the victims' relatives.
The new monument is commissioned by Belkin Mikhail Abramovich, the surviving former resident of Rubezhevichi.
sub-set tree: ![](https://cja.huji.ac.il/pics/loading.gif)
The original monument dates back to 1961, while the new one was erected in 2001.
Smilovitsky, Leonid, "Po sledam evreiskikh kladbishch Belarusi: Rubezhevichi," Zhurnal-gazeta "Masterskaia," ed. Evgenii Berkovich., https://club.berkovich-zametki.com/?p=47243 (accessed January 25, 2024)
Smilovitsky, Leonid. "Rubezhevichi: iz budushchei knigi 'Po sledam evreiskikh kladbishch Belarusi'," Most, March 6, 2019. no 978., https://cja.huji.ac.il/external_texts_db/Rubezhevichi_Most_13_03_2019.pdf (accessed January 25, 2024)