Obj. ID: 33049
Memorials Holocaust Monument in Lunna, Belarus, 2005
Memorial name:
No official name.
Who is Commemorated?
1549 Jews of Lunna, killed in 1941-1945.
The monument is a massive boulder standing on a concrete base that, in turn, stands on the paved podium. The enclosed path leads to the monument.
On the rough surface of the boulder, there are two memorial plaques that bear two non-identical inscriptions: in Russian and Hebrew. there is an additional inscription
On the upper plaque:
In Russian
Вечная память
1549 жителям
местечка Лунно
безвинно убитых в годы Великой
Отечественной войны
Июль 2005 г
Translation: Eternal memory / to 1549 residents / of the town of Lunna / innocently killed during the Great / Patriotic War / July 2005.
On the lower plaque:
In Hebrew
לזכרון עולם
1549 יהודי גטו לונה
גורשו למחנות השמדה
ונרצחו שם במלחמת
העולם השנייה
בשנים 1945-1941
Translation: To eternal memory / 1549 Jews of the Lunna ghetto / were deported to the extermination camps / and were killed there during the Second / World War / in 1941-1945.
Commissioned by
Probably, the victims' relatives.
sub-set tree:
The original (upper) memorial plaque of the monument, installed by the government, does not mention the victims' nationality. For this reason, in 2006, another (lower) plaque was installed: it is dedicated to the Jewish prisoners of the Lunno ghetto.
Smilovitskii, Leonid, "Po sledam evreiskikh kladbishch Belarusi: Lunno," Zhurnal-gazeta "Masterskaia," ed. Evgenii Berkovich., https://club.berkovich-zametki.com/?p=46549 (accessed January 25, 2024)