Obj. ID: 321
Sacred and Ritual Objects Wimpel (Germany, 1754)
The white Torah^scroll^binder is a long narrow cloth composed of four pieces. The cloth bears an inscription and painted illustrations in beige. The inscription is written in zoomorphic letters: some of them are filled with lili, star, duck, cup, snail torah and geometrical patterns and it reads:
"דוד בן הר"ר)הרב רבי(רפאל שליט)שיחיה לאורך ימים טובים(נולד במ"ט )מזל טוב( יום שק' )שבת קודש( ך"ו אלול תקיד)4571( 415)5( לפק ה' יגדלו לתורה ולחופה ולמעשים טובים אמ]ן["
David son of rabbi Rafael may he live many good days,amen born in good luck on holy Sabbath 26 of Elul (5)514(1754) in order of may God raise him to torah, Hupah and good deeds amen.
Between the words "Hupah" and "Good deeds" are depicted the bride and the groom surmounted by the inscription: "הרי את מקודשת" may you be bethrothed The Hupah is surmounted by the inscription "Mazal tov" Under the word "Elul" appears the inscription "Mazal Betula" and between the two words a depiction of a woman. The words "to torah" are in small letters and they appear within a depiction of a torah scroll which bears the inscription: "עץ חיים היא" She is a tree of life The letters are stylized and decorated by several patterns like:a giraffe, a fish, torah crowns, a star, a feather and a circular shape.
sub-set tree:
S | Star
F | Flower | Lily
W | Wedding ceremony | Bride and groom
E | Eden, Garden of | Tree of Life
G | Giraffe
T | Torah scroll
F | Fish
C | Crown
Z | Zodiac Signs | Virgo (Virgin), Zodiac Sign of Elul
:MAT : Cloth: composed of four identical pieces: white. linen. tabby. ## Decoration: Embroidery: beige, yellow. silk, gilt thread. stem stich, satin stitch, french knot, button-hole stitch, couching, cloud filling stitch.##
Border embroidery: beige, silk. groups of three button-hole stitches.## Join embroidery: beige, silk, openwork seam. ## Inscription: Embroidery: identical to dec
:ML : 3200 mm (overall); 800 mm (each piece)