Obj. ID: 31125
Jewish Architecture Synagogue Templo Israelita Brasileiro Ohel Yaacov in São Paulo, Brazil
The following information about the Synagogue Templo Israelita Brasileiro Ohel Yaacov, São Paulo, Brazil was researched by Myriam Rosenblit Szwarcbart.
On August 21, 2008, the corner stone of a new synagogue at Cravinhos Street was laid. The inauguaration took place on May 9, 2012 (the first phase). The Synagogue complex of 2,705 square meters includes a synagogue for 580 people, a smaller one for 100 people, a party room for 500 people, lecture rooms, a library, an auditorium and a living area, Institute of Music, Kolel for young people and “after school program”.
The synagogue received several congregations:
- “Sephardim Community of São Paulo” or Israelite Sephardic Community of São Paulo,
- Israelite Temple of the Portuguese Rite in 1946, or Brazilian Israeli Synagogue Shaar Hashamaim (from 1958),
- Brazilian Israeli Temple Ohel Yaacov from 1963, a name that remains until our days.
The authentic stained glass windows that were part of the synagogue on Abolition Street (Sinagoga da Abolição) were restored and used in this building.