Obj. ID: 30578
Jewish Architecture Sinagogue Sociedade União Israelita Paulista in San Paulo, Brazil
The following information about the Sinagoga Sociedade União Israelita Paulista in Mooca-São Paolo, Brazil was researched by Myriam Rosenblit Szwarbart.
Following the entrance, the building opens into a large hall for receptions. The male section on the first floor is reached through two external lateral stairways leading to the entrance of the synagogue followed by a double wooden door. The Bimah is located at the central part of the male section, separated from the Aron Hakodesh, and is "protected" by a wooden grid (as seen in the photos). The banks, renovated in a more modern style, replace the wooden originals and are distributed into three sections around the Bimah. The original details in the painting above the Aron Hakodesh and on the lamps remain the same. The blue and white colors remain on the walls, and the wooden floor has been well-maintained. Several Torah scrolls are kept in the Aron Hakodesh. Access to the women's gallery upstairs is through a new flight of stairs illuminated by a wide window, and is protected by a balcony. The current condition of the building is that it has conserved and maintained its original characteristics as much as possible. Religious services continue to take place on the Sabbath, led by Rabbi Ghazali.