Obj. ID: 28900
Modern Jewish Art Zaltsman, Salon group
In the picture, there are represented two young naked women, a youth and an elderly man. The women's figures are placed on the foreground one a little bit behind another. The first naked shown to the hips stands $$9in the right corner. Her body is slightly turned to the right and her head - to the left. She has short black hair. With her right hand, she clasps to her breast a long lilac and brown drapery. The second woman is seated to the left in a three quarter turn to the left. She has blond hair bundled on the top of the head. Yellow cloth covers her lap. The youth stands in a three quarter turn to the right. He is red-haired and wears a green hat and a violet blouse. The figure of the elderly man in a red turban and a brown coat is seen in the upper right corner. His narrow eyes seem to be closed. The background is painted in blue and yellow colors.
The combination of naked women's and dressed men's figures, as well as the types of the men, engender reminiscences with early Renaissance paintings in Italy (the youth in green hat) and in Netherlands (the man in red turban).