Obj. ID: 264
Sacred and Ritual Objects Spice container
The silvertowe shaped spice container is openworked and consists of a receptacle an apex and a stand. The circular architectural unit is composed of one story topped by a spire and mast. The tower and spire are the receptacle. The tower is divided into horizontal bands. The lowest band cosists of a row of cicles within a circular frame. The upper two bands consist of filigree foliate scrolls. A row of radiating petals top the tower. The spire is composed of a row of radiating petals topped by a bud. A flag is attached to the mast and bears an inscription in square filled letters. It reads: "ציון" "Zion" The recptacle is supported by a stand composed of a raised base and a shaft. The circular base is supported on a raised platform decorated in a filigree pattern. An inscription written in square filled letters reads:
"ירושלים## בצלאל"## "Jerusalem ## Bezalel"##
The base is decorated with a row of circles within a circular frame. The shaft surmounts the base. It is composed of radiating leaves which are joined together by a ring in its centre.