Obj. ID: 26221
  Sacred and Ritual Torah pointer, Afghanistan, circa 1900
The silver Torah pointer consists of a bar and a pointer. The bar is divided into an upper arm and a forearm by an upper a middle and a pointer. The bar is flat, straight, and is decorated with a frame of zig-zag and arches lines. It bears a dedicatory inscription on its upper side. The bar is surmounted by a flat stylised leaf upper joint which is decorated with Paisley and circles filled with gilt silver pieces. The bar is divided by a flower-shaped middle joint which is decorated with circles surrounding a rhombus filled with gilt silverpiece. The leaf-shaped pointer is decorated with flowers and circles filled with gilt silver. The inscription reading towards the pointers engraved in outline letters and reads:
תורה צוה לנו משה מרשה/ קהלת יעקב
Translation: Moses commanded us a law [Deut. 33:4] / congregation of Jacob
The following description was prepared by William Gross:
The applied gilt medallions on this Torah pointer lend a most unusual character, and place it within the context of Afghani Jewry. The shape as well is almost unique to this area. The pointers used in Afghanistan did not have hands for the pointing end as in Ashkenaz. This is a particularly elegant example of the form and workmanship of the area.
sub-set tree:
Engraved, punched, stamped, Soldered
Silver, Gilt, Engraved, Filigree
Hanegbi, Zohar and Bracha Yaniv, Afghanistan : the synagogue and the Jewish home (Jerusalem: Center for Jewish Art, 1991), pp. 68, 129.