Obj. ID: 24144
  Architecture Choral Synagogue in Samara, Russia
The Choral Synagogue in Samara (49 Sadovaia St.), one of the most prominent Neo-Moorish synagogues in Russia, was constructed in 1903–1908 by the Jewish architect Zelman Kleinerman, a graduate of St. Petersburg School for Civil Engineers.
sub-set tree: 
The synagogue was closed by the Soviet authorities in 1929. The building was first used as a Jewish club named after the Third International (the Comintern), but after WWII converted into a bakery. In 1994, the building was returned to the community. Several attempts of its restoration failed, and in 2018 the eastern part of the prayer hall was demolished, apparently to prevent its collapse. Quite ironically, the almost only original part of the synagogue – besides several window frames – is the entrance which bears the inscription “named after the Comintern.” The original wooden window frames and iron columns, which supported the women’s gallery could be seen lying near the synagogue. Currently, the building is being rebuilt
Three Torah scrolls, which are kept in the P.V. Alabin Regional Historical and Local Museum in Samara, probably originate from the Choral Synagogue.
Beizer, Michael. Our Legacy: The CIS Synagogues, Past and Present (Moscow-Jerusalem: Gesharim - Mosty Kultury, 2002), p. 170 ill. on p. 21.
Levin, Vladimir and Anna Berezin, Jewish Material Culture along the Volga
Preliminary. Expedition Report (The Center for Jewish Art, 2021), https://cja.huji.ac.il/home/pics/projects/CJA_Report_on_the_Volga_expedition_2021.pdf (accessed June 6, 2023)
Levin, Vladimir and Anna Berezin, “Jewish Prayer in the Heart of Russia: Synagogues along the Volga,” Ars Judaica 18 (2022): 111–44, https://doi.org/10.3828/arsjudaica.2022.18.6.
Likhodedov, Vladimir, Synagogues (Minsk, 2007), ills. 144-148 on pp. 77-79.
Yantovskii, Shimon, Sud'by evreiskikh obshchin i ikh sinagog, SSSR, 1976-1987 (Jerusalem, 2003), ills on p. 327.
EE, v. 13, p. 843 with ill.;
YIVO Encyclopedia, vol. 2, ill. on p. 1820;
Evreiskii mir v pochtovykh otkrytkakh, ill. on p. 110;
Gitelman 1988, ill. on p. 57 (ext);
https://golema.livejournal.com/32622.html http://yivo1000towns.cjh.org/frame_viewer.asp?PictureSetID=1094&PictureSetIndex=23&ImageID=46469;