Obj. ID: 22221
Jewish Architecture Yad la-Giborim Synagogue in Ramat Gan — Torah ark from Florence
To the main object: Yad la-Giborim Synagogue in Ramat Gan, Israel
The rectangular wooden Torah Ark has the shape of a building facade and consists of a base, two doors, four pilaster and entablature.
Each of the doors at the center is decorated with three rectanular carved tablets, one at the center is horizontal and is flanked by two verticl tablets. They are all decorated with foliate scrolls. The doors are flanked on each side by two pilasters, painted in imitation of marble design. They are topped by Corinthian capitals. A carved vertical garland of leaves and fruits descends from each of the caitals, attached to the pilasters. The sides of the ark are concaved and bear an inscription. On the right side in squer letters, painted in black against white it reads:
!ותשלם מלאכת בה!כ)בית הכנסת(##הזה ונחנכוהו! !Thus all the work for this Synagogue Was finished and it was dedicated!.
The inscription continues on the left side:
!באחד לחדש הראשון ##שנת התרמ!ה! ! On the first day of the first month in the year 5645 (1885)!
The ark is supported by a smooth and graded base. The entablature consists of two architraves and two cornices. The decoration is arranged symeticaly, with central vertical axis. Above, is the Tablets of the Covenant which bears the beginig of the ten commandments and is crowned by a flat crown. Below, and attached to the upper cornice is a black cartousce that bears a carved and gilt inscription.
From right to left in square letters it reads:
!לכבוד אל ולהוה##קדש הוא לאלוהיו## נדבת הנכבד שלמה יצ''ו)ישמרהו צורו ויקימהו( ב''ב)בני ברוך?( ס!ר)?(##הישיש רפאל יונדב זלה!ה)זכרו לחיי העולם הבא?( שנת נדבות פי רצה נא יי! לפ!ק)לפרט קטן(!
For the honour of the Lord, dedicated to his Lord, a donation of the dear respected Shlomo may his Rock protect and sustain him, (Bney Barukh?)(s!r?), the old man Rephael Ionadav (may He grant him the days of the Messia?) the year of 'Accept I beseech thee The freewill offering of my mouth O Lord...'(Ps. 119:108)!.(The year [5]498=1738, according to the biger letters of the verse from Psalms.)
Below and attached to the lower architrave is a smaller black cartouche which bears a gilt inscription that reads:
!ק!ל)קודש ליי(!
!Dedicated to the Lord!.
Four garlands of leaves, flowers, and fruits, descend from the central axis to the flanks. Two atop the ark are going from the crown to four vases that surmount the pilasters. Two others are going from the lower cartouche to two vases that stand on the lower cornice, which has below it a black band that bears a gilt inscription. From right to left in squer letters it reads:
!נדבת היקר כמ!ר)כבוד מעלת רבי( אירניסטו בראנדיס למנוחת נפש בנו הנכבד ג'ינו מב!ע)מנוחתו בעדן(!
!A donation of the dear honourable Rabbi Irnisto Braandis for the repose of the soul of his respected son Gino May his rest in Eden.!
Four carved rosettes are attached to the lower architrave above the pilasters. They are surmounted by a carved harp flanked by a torch and a horn of plenty attached to the upper architrave. The inner faces of the doors bear verses from the Bible.
Starts from the right door on the upper tablet it reads:
!ויהי##בנסוע הארו')ן(##ויאמר##משה קומ')ו(##ה' ויפוצו##אויבי וינוסו!!
The inscription continues on the upper tablet of the left door.
!וינוסו## משנאי')ך( מפני')ך(##ובנוחה##יאמר שוב')ה(##ה' רבבו')ת(##אלפי ישראל! (Num. 10:35-36).
On the lower tablets of the right door it reads:
!שאו שערים ראשיכם##והנשאו פתחי עולם##ויבוא מלך הכבוד##מי זה מלך הכבוד##יי עזוז וגבור##יי גבור##מלחמה!
Continued on the left door:
!שאו## שערים ראשיכם##ושאו פתחי עולם## ויבא מלך הכבוד##מי הוא זה מלך## הכבוד יי צבאות##הוא מלך הכבוד##סלה! (Ps. 24:9-10).
sub-set tree:
C | Candlesticks
C | Crowns, the Four (listed according to Misnah, Avot, 4:13) | Crown of Law (Crown of Torah)
T | Tablets of the Law
I | Israel | Israel, emblem of
H | Heraldic composition | Central element | Tablets of the Law (central element of heraldic composition)