Object Alone

Obj. ID: 21106
  Illuminated Manuscripts
  Fugger's Twelfth Miscellany on Kabbalah, Venice, 1552

© BSB, Photographer: Unknown,
Summary and Remarks

Meir appears in BSB Cod.hebr. 7, 8, 11, 15, 23, 26, 27, 29, 31, 39, 44, 47, 49, 50, 54, 56, 58;

Yaakov ben Hayyim in BSB Cod.hebr. 33, 64; and Eliezer in BSB Cod.hebr. 39, 45, 55, 60, 64, 65, 66. 


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sub-set tree:  

Fugger's Twelfth Venetian Miscellany on Kabbalah | Unknown
Object Detail
Monument Setting
Active dates
Reconstruction dates
Historical Origin
Community type
Unknown |
Unknown |
Period Detail
Germany | Munich | Bayerische Staatsbibliothek (BSB)
| Cod.hebr. 59 (Steinschneider 1895, No. 59)
Documentation / Research project
Iconographical Subject
Unknown |
Textual Content
Unknown |
Languages of inscription
Shape / Form
Material / Technique
Paper, 1 + 384 + 1 leaves.
Material Stucture
Material Decoration
Material Bonding
Material Inscription
Material Additions
Material Cloth
Material Lining
Tesserae Arrangement
Construction material
Full page: (339-340) x (237-240) mm.
Text space: Meir: (269-271) x (145-147) mm.
Yaakov ben Hayyim: (236-240) x (137-138) mm.
Eliezer: (240-241) x (142-144) mm.
Panel Measurements
Good. Apparently the manuscript was not used.
Documented by CJA
Surveyed by CJA
Present Usage
Present Usage Details
Condition of Building Fabric
Architectural Significance type
Historical significance: Event/Period
Historical significance: Collective Memory/Folklore
Historical significance: Person
Architectural Significance: Style
Architectural Significance: Artistic Decoration
Urban significance
Significance Rating
1. Hayy bin Yaqdhan (חי בן יקטן) by Abu Bakr ibn Tufayl (fols. 1-176v) in an anonymous translation with commentary by Moses Narboni, and with comments by Yohanan Alemanno integrated into the text (Idel 1978:313): beginsאמר משה בן יהושע (Steinschneider 1893:365). 2. Super commentary on the Averroes' Compendium of Aristotle's De caelo et mundo by Levi ben Gershom, Chapter IV (fols. 177-181): beginsכאן כו שידבר בצורות היסודות הארבעה (Steinschneider 1893:127). 3. Or ha-Sekhel (אור השכל; The Light of Mind) by Abraham ben Shmuel Abulafia (fols. 183-231): begins בהיות המחשבה האנושית קלה מאוד מהשיג (Idel 1976:24 n. 161; Abulafia 2001). Other copies in Munich: BSB Cod.hebr. 40 (fols. 160-212v) from Fugger's Venetian group, copied from another exemplar; BSB Cod.hebr. 92 (fols. 31-68), belonged to Egidio da Viterbo and later to Johann Albrecht Widmanstetter. 4. Sodot ve-Likkutim in Kabbalah (סודות ולקוטים, Secrets and Miscellanies) (fols. 233-247): beginsזהו ציור האלפבית אשר קבל משה. Includes Secrets of the Ten Sefirot, Commentary on the Divine Name of 72 letters from Sefer Raziel, a part of Sefer ha-Temunah, etc. 5. Keter Shem Tov (כתר שם טוב; The Crown of Shem Tov) by Abraham ben Alexander (Axelrod) of Cologne (fols. 248v-256v): begins בזאת יבא אהרן אל הקדש פנימה בנפש טהורה ובשפה ברורה. 1st ed. Amsterdam 1810. Other copies in Munich: BSB Cod.hebr. 56 (fols. 145-151) from Fugger's Venetian group, incomplete; BSB Cod.hebr. 246 (fols. 49v-55v), belonged to Johann Albrecht Widmanstetter; BSB Cod.hebr. 341 (fols. 188v-191v), belonged to Domenico Grimani and later to Johann Albrecht Widmanstetter. 6. Sodot ve-Likkutim in Kabbalah (fols. 256v-259): begins סוד שבע ברכות. Includes Secret of the Seven Blessings, Ma'aseh Bereshit (The Procedure of Creation), Merkavah (Chariot) seen by Ezekiel etc. Most were printed at the end of Moses di Leon's Sefer ha-Mishkal (The Book of Scale) or ha-Nefesh ha-Hakhamah (The Wise Soul), 1st ed. Basel 1608. 7. Commentary on Sifra, Commentary on Leviticus Rabbah by R. Samuel (fols. 261-384): beginsויקרא אל משה (Shoshana 1996:III, pp. 14 and 157ff).
Meir (Scribe A*): fols. 1-181 in brown ink. Yaakov ben Hayyim (Scribe B): fols. 183-259 in brown ink. Eliezer (Scribe C): fols. 261-384 in brown ink. Corrections by each scribe to his own section. * The letters A, B, etc. denote the order of copying by the main scribes and interpolators in this manuscript.
The text is written in semi-cursive Ashkenazi script.
Number of Lines
The text is written in 30 lines per page, mostly in one column.
Ruling by stylus: 30 horizontal and 1+1 vertical lines, e.g. fol. 94; sometimes in light brown ink, e.g. fol. 179.
47 quires of 10 and 8 leaves each, except for XXIII6. Quire composition: I8 (1-8); II8 (9-16); III8 (17-24); IV8 (25-32); V8 (33-40); VI8 (41-48); VII8 (49-56); VIII8 (57-64); IX8 (65-72); X8 (73-80); XI8 (81-88); XII8 (89-96); XIII8 (97-104); XIV8 (105-112); XV8 (113-120); XVI8 (121-128); XVII8 (129-136); XVIII8 (137-144); XIX8 (145-152); XX8 (153-160); XXI8 (161-168); XXII8 (169-176); XXIII6 (177-182); XXIV10 (183-192); XXV10 (193-202); XXVI10 (203-212); XXVII10 (213-222); XXVIII10 (223-232); XXIX10 (233-242); XXX10 (243-252); XXXI8 (253-260); XXXII8 (261-268); XXXIII8 (269-276); XXXIV8 (277-284); XXXV8 (285-292); XXXVI8 (293-300); XXXVII8 (301-308); XXXVIII8 (309-316); XXXIX8 (317-324); XL8 (325-332); XLI8 (333-340); XLII8 (341-348); XLIII8 (349-356); XLIV8 (357-364); XLV8 (365-372); XLVI8 (373-380); XLVII8 (381-384).
Catchwords for leaves are written horizontally at the left below the text in semi-cursive script by the text scribe.
Hebrew Numeration
Blank Leaves
Fols. 1v, 181v, 182-182v, 183v, 259v, 260v, 261v, 384v.
Façade (main)
Location of Torah Ark
Location of Apse
Location of Niche
Location of Reader's Desk
Location of Platform
Temp: Architecture Axis
Arrangement of Seats
Location of Women's Section
Direction Prayer
Direction Toward Jerusalem
Coin Series
Coin Ruler
Coin Year
Fol. 181: נשלם המאור חדש ניסן שי"ב לפ"ק/ פה וויניזיאה והתהלה לאל לבדו/ יתברך על כל ברכה ותהלה (It was completed at the beginning of Nisan, 5312 (03.1552), here in Venice, praise only to the God, blessed be He in each blessing and praise). Fol. 231: תם ונשלם ספר אור השכל בעזרת יוצר הכל/ אני יעקב ברבי חיים זצ"ל (זכר צדיק לברכה) (The Book Or ha-Sekhel was completed with help of the Creator of all things, I Yaakov ben R. Hayyim, the righteous, of blessed memory).
Scribal Notes
Fol. 235: decorative initial word contains the name Yaakov ben Hayyim within its first letter.
A crowned two-headed eagle in the centre of the folio (85 mm): unidentified; a trefoil flower between 'P' and '3' in the outer corner of the folio (32 mm): similar to Harlfinger 1974-80, Lettres 75 (Venice 1548, 1550).
Trade Mark

Dark green leather on wooden boards (340 x211 mm); gold-tooled with a central roundel on the front and a shield on the back cover within an undulating lozenge in a large rectangle, decorated with floral motifs at the centre of each side and at the corners. The front roundel is inscribed כאבאלא, and below are the letters XXXX. The spine, blind-tooled with hatching, has four hidden cords and head and tail bands. On the edges of the front cover are vestiges of four groups of three plaited leather bands, two on the side and one each on the upper and lower edges, with corresponding holes for four nails on the edges of the back cover (for preserved bands see Cod.hebr. 301). Each group of three bands terminated in a ring intended to hook over the nails in the opposite cover. The leaves are gilt-edged.


This binding was made for Fugger by the 'Fugger Binder' inVenice(Hobson 1999:119-129). Similar bindings in BSB: e.g. Cod.hebr. 19, 27, 33, 39, 42, 47, 51, 55, 61, 65, 66.


Watermarks on flyleaves: A zigzag (43 mm): unidentified.

Decoration Program

I. Decorated title pages by Meir (fol. 1) and by Yaakov ben Hayyim (fols. 183, 233, 249).

II. Marginal decoration and illustrations by Meir (fols. 17, 18v, 19v, 20r, 20v, 21, 21v, 22v, 23, 23v, 24,

    24v, 25, 25v, 26, 26v, 27, 27v, 28, 30, 30v, 31, 32, 32v, 33, 33v, 34, 34v, 35, 35v, 36, 36v, 37, 37v, 38,

    38v, 39, 39v, 40, 40v, 41v, 42, 42v, 44v, 46, 46v, 47v, 48, 48v, 49, 49v, 50, 50v, 51v, 52, 52v, 53v, 54,

    54v, 55, 55v, 56, 56v, 57, 57v, 58v, 59, 60, 60v, 62v, 63v, 64, 65, 65v, 66, 67, 68, 68v, 70, 70v, 71, 71v,

    72, 72v, 73, 74, 75, 76v, 77, 78v, 79, 81, 81v, 82, 85, 85v, 86, 86v, 87v, 88v, 89, 89v, 93, 95v, 97, 97v,

    98, 99, 99v, 100, 101v, 102, 104v, 105, 105v, 107v, 109, 119, 121, 128v, 129, 130v, 131, 133, 133v,

    134v, 137, 141, 142v, 143, 144v, 145, 152v, 153, 160v).

III. Decorative titles and initial words by Yaakov ben Hayyim (fols. 184, 233, 235).

IV. Decorative diagram by Yaakov ben Hayyim (fol. 225).

V. Decorative colophon by Yaakov ben Hayyim (fol. 231).

Suggested Reconsdivuction
Owners' inscriptions: None. Inscriptions of librarians and researchers: The numbering of the texts by Fugger’s librarians does not always correspond to the actual number of texts in the manuscript: N0 1:1-181; N0 2:183-231; N0 3:233-247; N0 4:248v-259; N0 5:261-384. Fol. 261, in brown ink by Librarian 1a: פרוש שעשע מורי הרב/ רבינו שמואל על ספר הנקר/ ויקרא רבה Front flyleaf, verso: an inscription in brown ink by Librarian 1a: ספר אבו בכר חים יקטן/ ספר השני אור השכל/ ספר שלישי סוד עשר/ ספירות סופם בראשם/ פירוש רבי שמואל/ בויקרא רבה. Below, by Librarian 3 in brown ink: Sepher abu bahar haim iocthan. Theolog. et Philos.\ Sepher haschem or hasechael. i. luminis intelligetiae.\ sepher schelischi sod aesaer. i. mzsterij X sephirarum\ sephirros sopham le roscham.\ Peirus rebi schemuel. i. Samuelis commentarius in\ Be Vaicra Rabah. vaicra Rabba super Leviticum. Front pastedown, on the exlibris in plummet: the contents in German. Exlibris and stamps: Front pastedown: an exlibris of the Bavarian Court and State Library (227 x 155 mm) with the arms of Elector Maximilian I of 1638 (Dressler 1972:B3ab), stuck over his earlier exlibris (175 x 135 mm) of 1618, before he became Elector in 1623 (Dressler 1972:A3a-f). On fol. 384v and on the back flyleaf, verso, there is a 20th-century oval stamp of the BSB: BIBLIOTHECA\ REGIA\ MONACENSIS. Old signatures: Back cover, upper part in black ink: St. 8 (?) (second signature of Fugger's library). First front flyleaf, recto, upper left corner in black ink: n0. 5. Spine, on stickers: 75 and 59 (current signature). On the exlibris, upper left corner in plummet: Cod.hebr. 59 (current signature).
Main Surveys & Excavations
Abulafia 2001 אברהם בן שמואל אבולעפיה, אור השכל (עורך: א' גרוס), ירושלים תשס"א (Abraham ben Samuel Abulafia, Or ha-Sekhel (ed. A. Gross), Jerusalem 2001). Dressler 1972 F. Dressler, Die Exlibris der Bayerischen Hof- und Staatsbibliothek, 17. bis 20. Jahrhundert, Wiesbaden 1972. Harlfinger 1974-80 D. Harlfinger, Wasserzeichen aus griechischen Handschriften, Berlin 1974-1980. Hobson 1999 A. Hobson, Renaissance Book Collecting: Jean Grolier and Diego Hurtado de Mendoza, their Books and Bindings, Cambridge 1999. Idel 1976 מ' אידל, כתבי ר' אברהם אבולעפיה ומשנתו, ירושלים תשל"ו (M. Idel, Writings of R. Abraham Abulafia and his Teaching, Jerusalem 1976). Idel 1978 מ' אידל, "סדר הלימוד של ר' יוחנן אלימנו," תרביץ מח' (תשל"ח): 303-331 (M. Idel, “The Order of Learning of R. Yohanan Alemanno”, Tarbiz 48 (1978): 303-331). Shoshana 1996 א' שושנה, ספרא דבי רב: ספר תורת כהנים נוסח כתב יד רומי, בצירוף מסורת וציונים, שינויי נוסחאות והערות גירסא ולשון, ירושלים תשנ"ו (A. Shoshana, Sifra: Sefer Torath Cohanim, Jerusalem 1996). Sirat and Dukan, unpublished C. Sirat and M. Dukan, Etude des manuscrits hébreux"sehr inkorrekt" conservés dans la Bibliothèque de Munich (Institut des Recherche et d'histoire des Textes, CNRS, Paris), unpublished. Steinschneider 1893 M. Steinschneider, Die Hebräischen Übersetzungen des Mittelalters und die Juden als Dolmetscher, Berlin 1893. Steinschneider 1895 M. Steinschneider, Die Hebräischen Handschriften der K. Hof- und Staatsbibliothek in München, Munich 1895.
Ilona Steimann | 2008, 2015
Author of description
Ilona Steimann; Prof. Aliza Cohen-Mushlin | 2008, 2015; 2015
Architectural Drawings
Computer Reconstruction
Section Head
Michal Sternthal; Project Head: Prof. Aliza Cohen-Mushlin | 05-2016; 2008-2015
Language Editor
Christine Evans | 2015
Supported by the Fritz Thyssen Foundation |
Negative/Photo. No.
The following information on this monument will be completed:
Unknown |