Obj. ID: 20719
  Sacred and Ritual Torah finials, Afghanistan, 1939
The flat Rimon is in the shape of a Star^of^David. It is made of silver and consists of a shaft, a body, and a head.
The cylindrical and tapering is decorated with a net of rhombus bearing a flower. Runners of geometric patterns encircle the upper and lower borders. The shaft is surmounted by a domed capital with wavy rim and is decorated with a Star^of^David surrounded by a foliate runner. Chains hanging from the capital's rim carry flattened and slit drop-shaped bells. The body has the shape of a Star^of^David. The centre bears medallions bearing domed buildings. Below the figures appears the word:
כתר !A Crown!
A dedicatory inscription surrounds the medallion on one side and another inscription on the other side. The inscription is engraved in outline letters and reads:
תורה צוה לנו משה מורשה קהלת יעקב אנסן )אמן נצח סלה ועד( !
(Deut., 33:4)- Amen Sellah for ever and ever (int.)!
The corners of the body bear a floral pattern. The head is in the shape of two Paisely leaves attached to each other, and surmounted by a crescent. A Star^of^David is mounted over the crescent and bears the inscription:
מגן##דוד !Star##of David!
Two flattened and slit drop-shaped bells hang from the tips of the crescent.
The dedicatory inscription is engraved in outline letters, and reads:
לעלוי נשמת מור )מורי( אבי דוד בר )בן רבי( מו )מולא( ישראל הש )השנה( כ!ג חשון תרצ!ט !
To the exaltation of the soul of my teacher (int.) my father David son of Rebbe (int.) Mullah (int.) Israel the year (int.) 23 Heshvan (5)699=(4.11.1939)!