Obj. ID: 1835
  Architecture Torah ark, Trabelsia Synagogue in Djerba
To the main object: Trabelsia Synagogue in Djerba - Prayer hall
The Torah ark is set within a horse-shoe arched niche in the centre of the north-eastern wall. It is flanked by two additional rectangular niches serving as genizah.
The horse-shoe arch is supported by two rectangular pilasters and is blocked by a wooden board with a central elongated double winged door. A verse is inscribed on the arch in black, square Hebrew letters and reads:
"זה השער לה' צדיקים יבואו בו" (תהלים קיח:כ).
"This is the gate of the Lord, into which the righteous shall enter" (Ps. 118:20).
The arch is decorated with painted dots while the arch's spandrels and pilasters are decorated with colourful ceramic tiles.
The door is divided into four panels arranged in two registers, used for keeping the scrolls. A smaller double door for prayer books is set below the main one.
A rectangular paper plaque is attached to the top of the door, inscribed in Hebrew square letters, and reads:
"שיויתי/ יהוה/ לנגדי תמיד" (תהילים טז:ח)
"I have set the Lord always before me” (Ps. 16:8).
The inner space is a rectangular niche divided into a main upper section for the Torah scrolls and a smaller lower part. A mat covers the floor while the walls of the inner space are covered with Torah curtains.
The rectangular genizah niches are blocked by double winged wooden doors divided into four panels arranged in two registers.
Three rectangular paper plaques with prayers are hung on both sides of the ark and on the genizah doors.
A bench is built along the eastern wall, as part of the sitting arrangement.