Obj. ID: 18041
Sacred and Ritual Objects Mazah bag ,Galicia
The square Mazah^cover is made of silk. It has three pockets for the Mazahs. The cover is decorated around the borders with inscriptions, vegetal patterns, and flowers in green, red, yellow, and blue. The inscriptions are in square-filled letters and read:
"לשנה הבאה בירושלים"
Translation: Next year in Jerusalem
The names of the six Sefirot:
Translation: "Heroism","Glory","Root","Eternity","Mercy","Splendour".
In the center there is a depiction of a lamb and beneath the lines:
"קרבן פסח"
Translation: Sacrifice of Passover
This depiction is encircled by a wreath of flowers.
The lower edge depicts the date divided in two and at the center a vase encircled by a wreath of flowers. Beneath, the line:
"תרנד סדר הקערה" "(5)654 (1894)
Translation: Seder of the bowl
Three labels are attached to the cover's lower part, each one bears an embroidered line:
ישראל, לוי, כהן
Translation: Israel, Levi, Cohen.
sub-set tree:
H | Haggadah, Passover (Listed according to the text of the Haggadah; See also separate biblical subjects in this list) | Hymns at the end of the seder: | Four cups of wine
W | Wreath