Obj. ID: 1641
  Architecture Grain Merchants' Synagogue in Bacău - Interior - Vault
To the main object: Grain Merchants' Synagogue in Bacău - Interior
The decoration of vault of the synagogue contains a multi-level composition. The central part of the vault is decorated with a sky and stars motif, including both the moon and the sun. In the center of the vault is a single-headed heraldic eagle is painted. It keeps a military standard with the verse "As an eagle that stirs up its nest and hovers over its young" (Deut. 32:11), and a white Magen David. In the lower part of the vault two belts containing paintings of the Zodiac signs and illustrative biblical scenes. Zodiac signs are located in the upper belt and are framed by ovular medallions and grouped by threes. The eight illustrative scenes are located in the lower belt and are composed by twos and framed by rich architectural ornament.
For the zodiac signs see:
For the Four Animals see:
For the narrative images see: