Obj. ID: 16003
  Memorials Holocaust Monument at the Mass Grave in Víšnieva (Vishnevo), Belarus, 1980
Memorial name
No official name.
Who is Commemorated?
The Jewish Holocaust victims from Víšnieva (Vishnevo).
The monument is erected at the mass grave of Víšnieva (Vishnevo) Jewish victims at the end of Kastrychnitskaya Street, which is now the entrance to the village of Chalianova [Galinovo]. It has the shape of a horizontal slab that stands on a concrete platform.
On the front of the monument, there is a Russian inscription (1980) and a metal plaque with a Hebrew inscription (1996). The back of it bears Hebrew and English inscriptions with two Stars of David (added in 2005).
On the front:
In Russian
Здесь похоронено
более 2-х тысяч советских граждан
зверски замученных фашистскими палачами
в 1942 году
Вечная память погибшим
Translation: Here are buried / more than 2,000 Soviet civilians, / who were brutally tortured to death by the fascist executioners / in 1942. / Everlasting memory to those who perished.
On the plaque:
In Hebrew
Translation: Monument to the families of Yaakov Hirsh Aleshkevits and of Yitzhak and Rashel Rogovin, and to the memory of the martyrs of Víšnieva (Vishnevo), who were killed in the Holocaust, on the 17th of Ellul, of the year 5702, 30.8.1942. May God avenge their blood. Arad, Israel, 1996.
On the back:
In Hebrew:
כאן נורו למוות ונשרפו
יהודי העיירה ווישניבה
בידי קלגסי גרמניה הנאצית
ביום י׳׳ז באלול תש׳׳ב
ת׳ נ׳ צ׳ ב׳ ה׳ [= תהי נשמתם צרורה בצרור החיים]
יוצאי וצאצאי ווישניבה באשר הם
יוני 2005
Translation: Here, Jews of the town of Víšnieva (Vishnevo) were shot to death and burned / by the brutal soldiers of Nazi Germany, / on the 17th day of Ellul, i5702. / May their souls be bound in the bundle of life. / Natives of Víšnieva (Vishnevo) and their descendants, wherever they may be. / June 2005.
In English
Here, at this location
On the 30th of August, 1942
Jews of Vishnevo
were murdered, gunned down, and burned alive
by soldiers of Nazi Germany
May the Lord revenge their blood
In memory of Loved Ones
The Families and descendants of the Jewish Community
of Vishnevo
June 2005
Commissioned by
The slab was commissioned by the local authorities.
The plaque and the inscription on the back of the monument were commissioned by the victims' relatives.
We are grateful to Dr. Leonid Smelovitsky (Jerusalem) and Igor Kreversky (Minsk) for their help in the identification of this monument.
sub-set tree:
On June 27, 1941 the Wehrmacht entered Víšnieva (Vishnevo). In August of the same year, a ghetto was established. It was liquidated on August 30, 1942. On that day, between 1,300 and 2,000 Jews (according to different sources) were shot near the village of Chalianova [Galinovo], located northeast of Víšnieva (Vishnevo) [Yad Vashem: The Untold Stories].
After the war, some survivors and relatives of those killed erected a modest wooden monument to the victims of the massacre of August 30, 1942, at the end of Kastrychnitskaya Street. In 1967, it was replaced by the local authorities with a concrete one, and in 1980, with a black stone one [Yad Vashem: The Untold Stories].
In 1996, relatives (then living abroad) of Jews killed in Víšnieva (Vishnevo) added a metal plaque in Hebrew commemorating some of the Jews who were killed in 1942 [Yad Vashem: The Untold Stories].
In 2005 a bilingual inscription was engraved on the back of the monument [Yad Vashem: The Untold Stories].
In 2005, on the initiative of the Simon Mark Lazarus Foundation, another monument was erected at the former Jewish cemetery, the site of the murder of 37 Jews in August 1941 [Yad Vashem: The Untold Stories; Belarus Holocaust Memorial Project].
"Execution of Jews in Vishnevo,"
The Map of Holocaust by Bullets, Yahad-In Unum, https://www.yahadmap.org/#village/vishnevo-wiszniew-vishneva-minsk-belarus.890.
Untold Stories - Murder Sites of Jews in Occupied Territories of the USSR (Yad Vashem project), "Wiszniew,".
Belarus Holocaust Memorial Project, https://www.belarusmemorials.com/memorials/minsk/vishnevo/.