Obj. ID: 14903
Memorials ‘Mass Grave of the Victims of Fascism’ Holocaust Memorial in Iltsi near Verkhovina, Ukraine, 1962
Memorial Name
Братська могила жертв фашизму
Translation: Mass Grave of the Victims of Fascism
Who is Commemorated?
Jewish victims of the Holocaust from Zhabie and the surrounding area.
This Monument is located in the Flesivka tract, near the village of Iltsi. It is a white concrete pyramid on a base. The Monument has two metal plaques that bear texts in Yiddish, Ukrainian, and Hebrew. The inscriptions have identical content in all languages though the Yiddish inscription has a lot of misspellings. At the top of the Monument, there is a metal plaque with a Menorah, which was added after 1992 and was designed to obscure or replace a metal red Soviet star. The inscriptions have identical content in all languages. Yiddish inscription has a lot of misspellings.
In Yiddish:
צום אייביקן אנק פון
די יידן פון זשאביע און געגענט
וועלכ זיינן דא דערמארדערט
געווארען דורך די נאצישע
רוצחים צון זייערע העלפערס
אין די יארן 1942 - 1941
Translation: To the eternal memory of / the Jews from Zhabie and surroundings / who were murdered here by the Nazi / murderers and their assistants / in the years 1941-1942
In Ukrainian:
Вічна памʼять євреям
с [=села] Жабʼя та навколишніх місць
загиблих від рук нацистських катів
та їх прислужників в 1941-1942 р.р.
Translation: Eternal memory to the Jews of the Zhabie village and nearby places perished from the hands of Nazi executioners and their servants in 1941-1942
In Hebrew:
לזכרון נצח
ליהודי זשאביע והסביבה
שנרצחו כאן ע"י [=על ידי] הרוצחים
הנאציים ועוזריהם ימ"ש [=ימח שמם]
בשנות 1942-1941
Translation: To the eternal memory of the Jews of Zhabie and surroundings who were murdered here by the Nazi murderers and their collaborators May their names be obliterated in the years 1941-1942
Commissioned by
The Soviet Authority
sub-set tree:
There were 490 Jews in Zhabie (now Verkhovyna) in 1939. On December 14-16, 1941, about 700 Jews from Zhabie and nearby places were shot in Flesivka tract [Solovka, p. 179].
In 1962, The Soviet Authority erected the Monument "Mass Grave of the Victims of Fascism" on the killing site.
The Ivano-Frankivsk Regional Executive Committee included the monument to The List of Monuments of History and Monumental Art of Local Significance by decision no 20 on February 10, 1987.
A plaque, which bears a Magen David and specifies the victims’ ethnicity, was installed in the 1990s [Solovka, p. 527]. A metal plaque with Menorah replaced the red Soviet star at the top of the Monument around that time.
"Ivano-Frankivska oblast. Skhema planuvannia terytorii (zavershennia). Okhorona nerukhomykh obiektiv kulturnoi spadshchyny", vol. 3 (Kyiv: Derzhavne pidpryiemstvo "Ukrainskyi derzhavnyi naukovo-doslidnyi instytut proiektuvannia mist "Dipromisto" imeni Y.M. Bilokonia", 2015), pp. 227-228., https://www.if.gov.ua/storage/app/sites/24/documentu-2022/ivano-frankivska-oblast-2015-tom-3.pdf (accessed May 3, 2023)
"Ivano-Frankivsk Oblast: Identified Jewish Cemeteries," Rohatyn Jewish Heritage, https://jewishheritageguide.net/en/cemeteries/ivano-frankivsk (accessed May 17, 2023)
Solovka, Liubov and Svitlana Oryshko, 150 iz 150 tysiach... Holokost yevreiv Prykarpattia yak skladova etnodemohrafichnoi Katastrofy Skhidnoi Halychyny, (Ivano-Frankivsk: Foliant, 2019), pp. 179, 527.
"Verkhovyna (Zhabie): Flesivka Tract,"
Shoah Atrocities Map - Ukraine (Tsal Kaplun Foundation), https://shoahatlas.org/u1132.html.