Obj. ID: 145
  Sacred and Ritual Redemption plate (Lviv, 1st quarter, 19th c.)
The redemption plate is elliptical. The center depicts the Sacrifice of Issac (13199), surrounded by oval medallions with the Zodiac signs (13198) on the rim.
The redemption plate depicts the Sacrifice of Isaac in its centre. Isaac is lying on his back on the altar. With hands tied he looks at his father, Abraham who has a long beard and a crown holds Isaac by his hair while lifting a sword in his right hand. Abrahams face is turned up towards a cloud in the sky from which an angel appears. The naked angel stops Abraham from slaying his son with his right hand. A ram which stands at the front of the mountain to the right of the scene, is caught by its horns in a bare tree. Two bearded servants wearing turbans stand to the left of Abraham below a foliate tree. One is holding the ass by a rope. Each raises his left hand and looks towards the angel.
The Zodiac signs are depicted within medallions in a counterclockwise direction, starting with the sign of Lamb in the right upper part of the circle.
- The sign of Lamb is depicted as a ram, with raised horns and a fat tail.
- The sign of Bull is depicted as a bull with erect horns and a lowered tail.
- The sign of Twins is represented as a couple sitting on chairs next to each other holding hands.
- The sign of Crab is depicted as a crab seen from above.
- The sign of Lion is depicted as a standing lion with a revealed tongue and an elevated tail.
- The sign of Virgin is represented by a woman sitting on a chair holding a wreath in one hand.
- The sign of Scales is depicted as scales with two equal arms.
- The sign of Scorpion is depicted as a scorpion seen from above, with a curved sharpened tail and large pincers.
- The sign of Bow is depicted as an archer holding a streched bow with an arrow.
- The sign of Kid is depicted as a goat whith a beard and horns.
- The sign of Bucket is represented as a man standing next to a well. He is drawing water with a bucket hanging on a rope above the well.
- The sign of fish is depicted as a pair of fish one above the other swimming in opposite directions.