Obj. ID: 13717
Modern Jewish Art Sgan-Cohen, Life Forever More, 1983-1985
The figures of two naked people, one superimposed over the other, are represented at the center of the canvas against a black background. The white figure of a woman stands facing towards the viewer with her legs spread apart and arms outstretched so that her hands reach the corner of the picture. She is superimposed over a a dark figure of a man. His head is bent downwards and rests above the femael figure's breasts. This figure's legs are set straight together and outlined in white. These limbs then merge with the female figure's thighs. Green, blue, orange and red leaves cover the genital area of the figures within a light blue triangle. The black arms of the male figure are bent so that they face upwards and are discernible on either side of both figures. The right hand, outlined in white, holds a fruit, while the left one is held up flat as if to gesture "stop!" The man's hands are silhouetted against the green leaves of a tree in the upper portion of the picture. Red and yellow leaves fall into the black space beneath. The blue triangular space between the female figure's outstretched arms encloses a reddish foliage pattern. In triangular space filled with sky blue between the pointing right hand and the flat left palm is a red-green vegetal pattern.