Object Alone

Obj. ID: 11635
Sacred and Ritual Objects
  Wall plaque with graves of the righteous in the Land of Israel, Haifa, 1887

© Center for Jewish Art, Photographer: Radovan, Zev, 1984

The paper plague is framed by slander columns and divided into 16 fields, representing the tombs of rithteous in the Land of Israel.

The inscription in the upper  margin reads: צורת קברי צדיקים אשר הם בארץ ישראל זכותם יגן עלינו אמן [View of the tombs of rightenous that are in the Land of Israel, may their righteousness protect us, amen]

The inscription in the lower margin reads in German: Panorama des heiligen grabstellen von ansehnliche Männer und Profete von heiligen Lande. Under it appears the inscription of the artist: זו מעשה ידי הקטן יעקב גאלדצווייג מארץ הקדושה עיר חיפה הר כרמל ת"ו שנת תרמ"ז לפ"ק [this is the deed of my hands, the small Jacob Goldzweig in the Holy Land, the city of Haifa, Mount Carmel, the year 1887]. 

Fields present the following views (from right to left):

The cave of Machpellah, shown as a round building with two tower and with three cypresses nearby. Inscribed: מערת המכפלה בחברון, and the names of those buried there: Adam, Eve, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Sarah, Rebecca, Leah.

Rachel's Tomb, shown as a building with a flat roof. Inscribed: Rachel our Mother, on the way to Beit Lehem.

The tomb of Hosea the Prophet, shown as a small building with a dome. Inscribed: Hosea the Prophet near Safed.

The hotsprings of Tiberias, shown as a large round building with a large dome, Inscribed: חמי טבריא The hotsprings of Tiberias.

The tomb of Samuel the Prophet, shown as a building with a tower, Inscribed: Samuel the Prophet near Jerusalem.

The tomb of the Dynasty of King David, shown as several buildings with domes and towers. Inscribed: קברי מלכי בית דוד המלך ע"ה בעה"ק ציון ת"ו, Tombs of the kings of King David dynasty in the holy city of Zion.

Safed, shown as a city with small houses, inscribed: The holy city of Safed. Three round buildings (tombs) with domes are inscribed: the House of Shammai, the house of Hillel, the house of Joseph (meaning Joseph Caro), ר"י הקדוש (Rabbi Isaac Luria). A row of trees is inscribed עין זתין (Ein Zeitun).

The tomb of Joseph is shown as a building with a small dome near a city with two minarets. Inscribed: Joseph the Righteous in the holy city of Shechem.

The tomb of Rabbi Meir Baal HaNes, shown as a building with two domes, two entrances and two windows. Inscribed: Rabbi Meir Baal HaNes in the holy city of Tiberias.

The tomb of Rabbi Akiva is shown as a building with a dome and inscribed: Rabbi Akiva with all his students in Tiberias. The depiction of a city with a minaret and a domed building, standing on seashore (with a ship) is inscribed: the holy city of Tiberias, the Sea of Kinneret. Depictions of smaller graves are inscribed: רמב"ם (Maimonides), and של"ה (Rabbi Yeshayahu HaLevi Horowitz, the author of Shnei Luhot HaBrit).

The tomb of Simeon bar Yohai is shown as a large building with two domes and a courtyard. Inscribed: Rabbi Simeon bar Yohai and Elazar his son near the holy city of Safed.

The tomb of Rabbi Yohanan HaSandlar, is shown as a building with a flat roof, inscribed: Rabbi Yohanan HaSandlar near the holy city of Safed. Safed is shown as a city with a mosque and a minaret, while small houses nearby are inscribed: the village of Meron. A small tomb is inscribed: Rav Papa. In the lower part appears the Stream of Megiddo.

Jaffa is presented as a city with large mosque with a minaret, standing on seashore (with a ship). Inscribed: This is the holy city of Jaffo, and the Great Sea.

The tomb of Elisha the Prophet as shown as a fortified building with towers and domes, inscribed: Elisha the Prophet. A hill nearby is inscribed: the Mount of Carmel. In the lower part appears a building built into the rock, inscribed: This is the Cave of Elijah the Prophet, and Entrance. A building with a flat roof is inscribed: Rav Dima of Haifa.

Haifa is shown as a city with a mosque and flags on the seashore, inscribed: This is the holy city of Haifa. The hill behind if inscribed the Mount of Carmel and: This is the place of the Altar of Elijah the Prophet. In the lower left appears the Stream of Kishon. The sea with a ship is inscribed: the Great Sea.

Sidon is shown as a city with a mosque on the seashore, inscribed: This is the holy city of Sidon. The sea with a ship is inscribed two times: the Great Sea. A large building with a flat roof in inscribed: Zebulun son of Jacob.

Summary and Remarks

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sub-set tree:  

Wall plaque with graves of the righteous in the Land of Israel | Unknown
Object Detail
Monument Setting
Active dates
Reconstruction dates
Artist/ Maker
Historical Origin
Community type
Unknown |
Unknown |
Period Detail
Documentation / Research project
Iconographical Subject
H | Holy and other places in the Land of Israel
H | Holy and other places in the Land of Israel | Holy Tombs | Cave of Machpelah (Tomb of the Patriarchs/Matriarchs)
H | Holy and other places in the Land of Israel | Holy Tombs | Rachel's Tomb
H | Holy and other places in the Land of Israel | Holy Tombs | Hosea the Prophet, Tomb of, near Safed
H | Holy and other places in the Land of Israel | Cities | The Four Holy Cities | Tiberias טבריה
H | Holy and other places in the Land of Israel | Holy Tombs | Samuel the Prophet, Tomb of
H | Holy and other places in the Land of Israel | Holy Tombs | Dynasty of King David, Tomb of קברי מלכי בית דוד
H | Holy and other places in the Land of Israel | Cities | The Four Holy Cities | Safed צפת
H | Holy and other places in the Land of Israel | Holy Tombs | Joseph, Tomb of, in Nablus
H | Holy and other places in the Land of Israel | Holy Tombs | Rabbi Meir Baal HaNes (the miracle maker), Tomb of, in Tiberias
H | Holy and other places in the Land of Israel | Holy Tombs | Rabbi Akiva, Tomb of, in Tiberias
H | Holy and other places in the Land of Israel | Holy Tombs | Simeon bar Yohai (Rashbi), Tomb of (קבר רשבי)
H | Holy and other places in the Land of Israel | Holy Tombs | Rabbi Yohanan HaSandlar (Shoemaker), Tomb of
H | Holy and other places in the Land of Israel | Cities | Jaffa (Jaffo) יפו
H | Holy and other places in the Land of Israel | Holy Tombs | Elisha the Prophet, Tomb of
H | Holy and other places in the Land of Israel | Cities | Haifa חיפה
H | Holy Places outside of the Land of Israel | Sidon (צידון)
C | Columns
Textual Content
Unknown |
Languages of inscription
Shape / Form
Material / Technique
Material Stucture
Material Decoration
Material Bonding
Material Inscription
Material Additions
Material Cloth
Material Lining
Tesserae Arrangement
Construction material
Panel Measurements
Documented by CJA
Surveyed by CJA
Present Usage
Present Usage Details
Condition of Building Fabric
Architectural Significance type
Historical significance: Event/Period
Historical significance: Collective Memory/Folklore
Historical significance: Person
Architectural Significance: Style
Architectural Significance: Artistic Decoration
Urban significance
Significance Rating
Number of Lines
Hebrew Numeration
Blank Leaves
Façade (main)
Location of Torah Ark
Location of Apse
Location of Niche
Location of Reader's Desk
Location of Platform
Temp: Architecture Axis
Arrangement of Seats
Location of Women's Section
Direction Prayer
Direction Toward Jerusalem
Coin Series
Coin Ruler
Coin Year
Scribal Notes
Trade Mark
Decoration Program
Suggested Reconsdivuction
Main Surveys & Excavations
Author of description
Vladimir Levin | 2018
Architectural Drawings
Computer Reconstruction
Section Head
Language Editor
Negative/Photo. No.
The following information on this monument will be completed:
Unknown |