Obj. ID: 11530
Memorials Holocaust Monument in Pavlivka near Ivano Frankivsk (Stanisławów), Ukraine, between 1999 and 2001(?)
Memorial Name
No official name.
Who is commemorated?
Jews of independent professions killed here on August 3–4, 1941
The monument is located in the forest near the village Pavlivka (former Pawełcze) on the mass grave of Stanisławów Jews. It is located adjacent to the monuments to Polish and Ukrainian people that also were killed by the Nazis in August 1941.
The monument is made of stone and decorated with a marble plaque, inscribed in Hebrew and English.
לזכרון עולם
2865 יהודים
האינטליגנציה היהודית
שנספו ב יא״ – יב״ לח״ אב
שנת תש״א
Translation: Eternal memory of 2865 Jews of Jewish intelligentsia from Stanisławów who perished on 11–12 of the Av month of the year 5701 [=August 4–5, 1941].
To memory about 2865
Jewish intelligentsia
from Stanislavov
which was shoot here
3-4/VIII – 1941
Creation this monument
financed ing. Alejandro Landman
from Montevideo, Urugvay
to memory about his father -
dr. Hersh /Zwi/ Landman
sub-set tree:
| Forest near the village Pavlivka
On August 1, 1941, Stanisławów (now Ivano-Frankivsk) came under Nazi occupation. On August 3, 1941, SS-Hauptsturmführer Hans Krüger ordered Jews of independent professions to come to the Gestapo headquarters. Jews were tortured there, taken out to the forest near the village Pawełcze (now Pavlivka), and killed [Solovka].
Alejandro Landman financed the installation of the first monument on the Jewish mass grave in Pavlivka in 1999–2001. He was born in Stanisławów and lived there before WWII. His father, Dr. Hersh Landman, was a lawyer, and perished during the mass murder on August 3-4, 1941 [The JewishGen KehilaLinks Project].
It is unclear what happened with the monument, but since 2016 a new obelisk has appeared at this place, and the black plaque from the first monument seems to be embedded in the new one. It can be confirmed by the photos in the newspaper of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine [Brukhal].
In the present, local and regional authority representatives and Jewish community members gather at the monument on International Holocaust Remembrance Day (January 27th), and the Day of mass shootings at Babyn Yar [Kyiv], (September 29th). They lay flowers and stones to the monument [V Ivano-Frankivsku vshanuvaly; Na Prykarpatti vshanuvaly]
Brukhal, Halyna, "Vshanuvaly zhertv Holokostu," Holos Ukrainy, January 29, 2016, http://www.golos.com.ua/article/263735 (accessed November 2, 2023)
Feuerman, Juliusz, “Pamiętnik ze Stanisławowa (1941-1943),” Biuletyn Żydowskiego Instytutu Historycznego 59 (1966): 63-91, https://cbj.jhi.pl/documents/755572/64/ (accessed April 19, 2023)
"Na Prykarpatti vshanuvaly 81-i rokovyny z chasu rozstriliv u Babynomu Yaru," Ivano-Frankivska Oblasna Derzhavna Administratsia, September 29, 2022, https://www.if.gov.ua/news/na-prykarpatti-vshanuvaly-81-i-rokovyny-z-chasu-rozstriliv-u-babynomu-iaru (accessed July 29, 2023)
Solovka, Liubov, "Henotsyd yevreiv Stanislava v roky Druhoi Svitovoi viiny," Visnyk Prykarpatskoho universytetu, IV (2008): 35-43, https://shron1.chtyvo.org.ua/Solovka_Liubov/Henotsyd_ievreiv_Stanislava_v_roky_Druhoi_svitovoi_viiny.pdf? (accessed April 21, 2023)
"Stanisławów," United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, https://encyclopedia.ushmm.org/content/en/article/stanislawow (accessed April 21, 2023)
"Stanisławów. Personal Photo Collection of
Alejandro Landman - Home," The JewishGen KehilaLinks Project, https://kehilalinks.jewishgen.org/ivano_frankivsk/photos/LandmanPhotos.html (accessed April 23, 2023)
"V Ivano-Frankivsku vshanuvaly zhertv Holokostu," Kurs, January 27, 2016, https://kurs.if.ua/news/v_ivanofrankivsku_vshanuvaly_zhertv_golokostu_33171.html/ (accessed July 29, 2023)