Obj. ID: 11520
Memorials Holocaust Monument in the Jewish Cemetery in Kalush, Ukraine, 1995
To the main object: Jewish Cemetery in Kalush, Ukraine
Memorial Name
Меморіальний монумент споруджений на памʼять про 6 тисяч євреїв, які загинули в роки німецької окупації на Калущині
Translation: Memorial monument built to the memory of 6 thousand Jews, who perished in the years of German occupation in the Kalush district.
Who is Commemorated?
Jewish victims of the Holocaust from the Kalush district
The Monument is located in the Northeastern corner of the Jewish cemetery in Kalush. It stands on a wide concrete base. The monument is an upright concrete stele. Columns support arched vault, giving the monument the profile of a gravestone. The arches space is filled by a black stone plaque with inscriptions in English, Hebrew and Ukrainian. The plaque bears images of a Magen David on the top and a Menorah on the bottom.
In Ukrainian:
Цей монумент встановлено в памʼять
близько 6-ти тисяч невинних єврейських
дітей, жінок і чоловіків, які загинули під час
німецької окупації 1941-1944 рр. на Калущині
Нехай це служить їм вічним почивальним
Translation: This monument was installed in memory of / about 6,000 innocent Jewish / children, women and men that perished during / German occupation of 1941-1944 years in Kalush district / Let it serve them as an eternal resting / place
In Hebrew:
אבן זכרון זאת הוקמה לזכר 6000 יהודים נשים גברים
וטף, אשר נרצחו על ידי הכובש הנאצי
בין השנים 1941-1944
תהא נשמתם צרורה בצרור החיים
Translation: This memorial is erected in memory of 6000 Jews, men and women / and children that were murdered by the Nazi occupiers / in the years 1941-1944 // May their souls be bound in the bundle of life
In English:
This plaque is erected in the memory of
approximately 6000 innocent Jewish
children, women and men who were
murdered by the German occupiers in the
years 1941-1944 in Kalush region. May these
sacred burial grounds serve as their
eternal resting place
Commissioned by
sub-set tree:
There were approximately 6,000 Jews in Kałusz in 1941. The Hungarian army occupied the city on July 6, 1941, and the German army entered the city during next two weeks. On August 23-25, 1941 380 Jewish merchants and professionals were arrested and killed in the Berezyna Forest near Piila Village [Adamovych, 2020, pp. 91-92]. In September 1941, 50 Jews were killed. A ghetto was created in Kałusz by the end of 1941. Many Jews from nearby villages were brought to Kałusz. In April 1942 the Security Police detachment from Stanisławów killed 800 Jews in Kałusz. In autumn 1942, several mass murders and deportations of Jews to the Stanisławów ghetto and the Bełżec killing center took place. In October 1942, Nazis announced that Kałusz was free of Jews. In June 1943, Criminal Police representatives shot 14 Jews in the Jewish cemetery in Kałusz. Up to 20 Jews of Kałusz survived the war.
The monument was erected in 1995.
On March 20, 2007, vandals damaged the monument [Butkevych].
By 2015, the monument has been included in the List of newly built (newly discovered) objects that are proposed for inclusion in the register of cultural heritage monuments of local significance [Ivano-Frankivska oblast]. By 2023, the Monument has been included on The List of Monuments of History and Monumental Art of Local Significance in the Ivano-Frankivsk region.
Butkevych, Maksym, "Initsiatyva "Bez kordoniv": Ksenofobski ta rasystski proiavy v Ukraini," Ukrainska Helsinska spilka z prav liudyny, May 16, 2007, https://www.helsinki.org.ua/2007/05/initsiatyva-bez-kordoniv-ksenofobski-ta-rasystski-proyavy-v-ukrajini/ (accessed May 6, 2023)
Encyclopedia of Camps and Ghettos 1933-1945, ed. Martin Dean, vol. 2 (Bloomington: The United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, 2012), pp. 788-789.
Evreiskie kladbishcha i pamiatniki zhertvam Kholokosta na territorii Ivano-Frankovskoi oblasti, https://evreiskiy.kiev.ua/evrejjskie-kladbishha-i-pamjatniki-11264.html (accessed April 22, 2023)
"Ivano-Frankivska oblast. Skhema planuvannia terytorii (zavershennia). Okhorona nerukhomykh obiektiv kulturnoi spadshchyny", vol. 3 (Kyiv: Derzhavne pidpryiemstvo "Ukrainskyi derzhavnyi naukovo-doslidnyi instytut proiektuvannia mist "Dipromisto" imeni Y.M. Bilokonia", 2015), p. 321., https://www.if.gov.ua/storage/app/sites/24/documentu-2022/ivano-frankivska-oblast-2015-tom-3.pdf (accessed May 3, 2023)
"Kalush: Kalush area,"
Shoah Atrocities Map - Ukraine (Tsal Kaplun Foundation), https://shoahatlas.org/u1119.html.
The chapter includes cemetery plan with the killing sites from the criminal case file of a local Criminal Police representative:
Adamovych, Serhii, "Kaluskyi "Spysok Shyndlera," in Nereabilitovana pamiat, vol. 2, (Ivano-Frankivsk: Lileia-NV, 2020), 83-109