Printer\'s Mark (See also: Family emblem)
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20 of 40 artpiece(s) in subject set as Printer\'s Mark (See also: Family emblem):
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Lebensohn, Joel ben Avigdor, of Warsaw, Printer's mark (monogram JWL) Aaron and Gershon sons of Hayyim David ha-Levi of Żółkiew, Printer's mark (two intersecting fish and emblem of Levi - jar) (Yaari, no. 100) Abraham ibn Usque of Ferrara, Printer's mark (a globe) (Yaari, no. 22) Anselm, Thomas, of Haguenau, Printer's mark Ashkenazi, Reuben and Nissim, of Istanbul, Printer's mark (Dome of the Rock as the Temple) (Yaari, no. 124) Bak, Israel, Printer's mark Balaban, Judah Leib, of Lemberg, Printer's mark (shield surmounted by a rampant lion holding a printing press) (Yaari, no. 200) Baruch ben Samuel, of Dubrovno, Printer's mark (monogram of the owner of the town, Prince Xawery Lubomirski) Bashuysen, Heinrich Jacob of Hanau, Printer's mark (printing shop with inscription Sicalias artes Illustro) (Yaari, no. 90) Bath-Sheba (Bassevi), Printer's mark (crowned lion and double-headed eagle in a cartouche) (Yaari, no. 48) Benveniste of Amsterdam, Printer's mark (a lion rampant against a tower, surmounted by a star) (Yaari, nos. 60, 61) Borstius, Gerardus and Jacobus of Amsterdam, Printer's mark (palm tree with motto 'Ut palma virescit' on scroll) Bragadini of Venice, Printer's mark (The three crowns symbolizing the diadem of royalty, priesthood, and Torah) (Yaari, no. 18) Brandeis, Jakob B., of Prague and Breslau, Printer's mark (monogram J.B.B. with two griffins and a magen david) Brill, Yechiel, Michel HaCohen, and Yoel Moshe Solomon, of Jerusalem, Printer's mark (a deer) (Yaari, no. 202) Brothers Zalman zum Kranich and Abraham zum Falken, of Frankfurt/Oder, Printer's mark (hawk and crane) (Yaari, nos. 83, 84) Buchbinder, Isaac Itzik ben Leib of Fürth, Printer's mark Castello, Abraham Isaac, and Eliezer Saadon of Livorno, Printer's mark (Book, two flowers and Inkstand) (Yaari, no. 152) Cavalli of Venice, Printer's mark (elephant with a tower on his back) (Yaari, nos. 32, 33, 34) Cohen (Gersonides) family of Prague, Printer's mark (priestly blessing hands in a cartouche, supported by two rampant lions) Coutinho, Moses ben Abraham Mendez of Amsterdam, Printer's mark (frontispiece with Abraham, Moses, Jacob, Jeremiah, Joseph, David, and Solomon) (Yaari, no. 86) David ben Samson Bloch and Samson ben Moses of Amsterdam, Printer's mark (Zodiac signs of Aquarius and Pisces) (Yaari, no. 145) Di Cavalli, Giorgio, of Venice, Printer's mark (an elephant with a tower on its back) (Yaari, no. 32-34) Di Gara of Venice, Printer's mark (The crown) Dov Ber ben Israel Segal and Dov Ber ben Pesah, of Slavuta, Printer's mark (city) Elazar ben Mari Aharon Sa'adia Araki HaCohen of Calcutta, Printer's mark (Hands in priestly blessing) (Yaari, nos. 203, 204) Fagius, Paulus, of Isny im Allgäu, Printer's mark (a tree and a stork eating frogs) (Yaari, no. 13) Foa, Printer's mark (See also: Foa family emblem) Frankel, Aaron ben Uri Lipmann of Sulzbach, Printer's mark (Zodiac signs of Cancer and Fish divided by a tree) (Yaari, no. 82) Frankel, Meshulam Zalman ben Aharon of Sulzbach, Printer's mark (Monogram AA inscribed Zalman Madpis) (Yaari, nos. 131, 132) Frankel, Seckel ben Aharon of Sulzbach, Printer's mark (Monogram AA inscribed Seckel Madpis) (Yaari, no. 167) Froben, Johann, of Basel, Printer's mark (two serpents and a bird) (Yaari, no. 12) Gardano, Allesandro, of Venice, Printer's mark (Venus) Gershom Solomon Cohen Katz and his brother Gronem (Geronim) of Prague, Printer's mark (hands in priestly blessing) (Yaari, nos. 9, 10) Giovanni Imberti of Venice, Printer's mark (bird with initials G I) Giustiniani, Marco Antonio, of Venice, Printer's mark (Temple of Jerusalem as the Dome of the Rock) (Yaari, nos. 16-17) Gottschalk, Michael, of Frankfurt/Oder, Printer's mark (monogram M G) (Yaari, no. 80) Grossman, Naftali Hirsh, of Lemberg, Printer's mark (stela surmounted by a bird, with initials H G) (Yaari, no. 194) Gryphio, Giovanni, of Venice, Printer's mark (a griffin holding a stone in its claws) HaCohen, Abraham b. Shabbetai, of Venice, Printer's mark (Yaari, no. 97) HaCohen, Brothers Joseph haCohen and Jacob Hay haCohen of Venice, Printer's mark (priestly blessing with clouds) (Yaari, no. 94) Hadamard, Ephraim, of Metz, Printer's mark (monogram EH in a wreath) (Yaari, no. 189) Hayyim ben Abraham Ha-Cohen of Livorno, Printer's mark (hands in priestly blessing) (Yaari, no. 65) Hayyim ben Jacob HaCohen of Prague, Printer's mark (Temple as the Dome of the Rock with two lions lying with a lamb, inscribed Ariel) (Yaari, no. 50) Hayyim ben Zevi Hirsch, of Fürth, Printer's mark (a canopy inscribed Hayyim Madpis) Hazan, Judah ben David of Izmir, Printer's mark (two lions leaning on the gate) (Yaari, no. 125) Hoffhalter, Raphael, of Vienna, Printer's mark Horowitz, Mordecai, of Kopus' and Shklov, Printer's mark Hraschanzky of Vienna, Printer's mark Ibn Nahmias, brothers David and Joseph, of Venice, Printer's mark (an arch, the pediment of wich contains a soldier with a flag standing on a tower, and its bottom contains Biblical scenes with Joseph and David) (Yaari, no. 54) Isaac ben Moses Di Pas of Livorno, Printer's mark (handshaking with a tree and inscriotion) (Yaari, no. 123) Isaac of the Levites, a printer in the Vendramini Press in Venice, Printer's mark (A jar of Levi inside a cartouche placed in a broken pediment) (Yaari, no. 64) Issachar Ber ben Neta ha-Cohen, of Dyhernfurth, Printer's mark (hands in priestly blessing) Italia, Eliezer Shlomo d', of Mantua, Printer's mark (A squirrel and a palm tree inscribed Tzadik ke-tamar yifrah) (Yaari, no. 150) Jonathan Jacob of Wielowies and Michal Piotrowski, of Dubno, Printer's mark (monogram and escutcheon of Price Lubmirski, the owner of the town) Joseph ben Zalman Shneur, of Fürth, Printer's mark (a tree with golden fleece) Joshua of Perugia's Sons, of Mantua, Printer's mark (an emblem with two lions and a tree, located in the broken pediment) (Yaari, no. 71) Judah Liwa ben Moses of Prague, Printer's mark (Bohemian crowned rampants lion with a double tail and printing instruments) (Yaari, no. 51) Kafa (Cephas) Elon (Petrus de la Rouière), of Geneva, Printer's mark Krüger, Johann Anton, of Nowy Dwór Mazowiecki and Korzec, Printer's mark (monogram JAK enclosed in a wreath) (Yaari, no. 155) Kugel and Lewin of Lemberg, Printer's mark (monogram K L) Kultur-Lige, of Kiev, Printer's mark (a tree) Landau, Moses HaLevi of Prague, Printer's mark (Musical instruments with an inscription Avodat Haleviim) (Yaari, no. 168) Landau, Moses Israel, of Prague, Printer's mark (a shield with two cornucopiae surmounted by a bird, with initials M I L) (Yaari, no. 199) Laurentius, Hendrik of Amsterdam, Printer's mark (a gardener trimming branches) (Yaari, no. 56) Madfes (Madpis), Abraham Josef Segal, of Lemberg, Printer's mark (wreath with the emblem of Levi) May of Dyhernfurth, Printer's mark Menasseh ben Israel and his sons Joseph and Samuel of Amsterdam, Printer's mark of (a walking Jew with a rod) Meyerhoffer, Abraham Judah Leib of Żółkiew, Printer's mark (field with three grains and a bird) (Yaari, no. 164) Migdal', Printing House in Jerusalem, Printer's mark (Tower of David) Modon, Samson Cohen, of Mantua, Printer's mark (Hands in priestly blessing and a crown) (Yaari, no. 99) Mordecai ben Gershom HaCohen of Prague, Printer's mark (Temple as the Dome of the Rock) Mordecai Katz, of Mezherich, Printer's mark (priestly blessing hands in an oval crowned medallion, and fascio underneath) (Yaari, no. 180) Naphtali Hirz ben Menahem of Cracow, Printer's mark (a deer inside a wreath) (Yaari, no. 39) Neumann, Franz Josef, of Brno, Printer's mark (a dragon with a book) (Yaari, no. 135) Nossonowicz, Zevi Hirsh ben Nathan, of Warsaw, Printer's mark (monogram H N) Ottolenghi, Eleazar Menahem, of Livorno, Printer's mark (initials L E O) Parenzo, Asher, of Venice, Printer's mark (a mountain with an eagle and a wreath) (Yaari, no. 36) Parenzo, Meir, of Venice, Printer's mark (Venus, standing above a seven-headed dragon, holding an arrow in her right hand pointed toward the dragon) (Yaari, no. 35) Plantin Press, of Antwerp and Leiden, Printer's mark (inscription Labore et Constancia and a compass) Premsla (Przemysl), Zevi Hirsch ben Isaac, of Amsterdam, Printer's mark (deer) (Yaari, no. 139) Proops of Amsterdam, Printer's mark 1 (hands in priestly blessing) Prostitz, Isaac ben Aaron, of Cracow, Printer's mark Querini, Carlo, of Venice, Printer's mark (a cartouche with three stars) (Yaari, no. 15) Ricchi, Raphael Immanuel Hai ben Abraham of Livorno, Printer's mark (a double-tailed lion) (Yaari, no. 115) Rofe, Naphtali Hirtz HaLevi, of Amsterdam, Printer's mark Saadon, Eliezer, of Livorno, Printer's mark (rampant lion with a ear of grain) (Yaari, no. 160) Samuel ben Issachar Ber Segal, of Polonne, Printer's mark (a shield emblazoned with a flower and suspended from foliate branches) Schmid, Anton, of Pressburg, Printer's mark (monogram AVS on a coat of arms) Schmid, Anton, of Vienna, Printer's mark (Yaari, no. 162) Schrenzel, David Tzvi, of Lemberg, Printer's mark (stela with his name) Shabbetai b. Joseph Meshorer Bass of Dyhernfurth, Printer's mark (a man holding musical notation) (Yaari, no. 77) Shabbtai ben Ben Zion, Aryeh ben Menachem, and Abraham ben Jacob Segal of Shkloc, Printer's mark (Yaari, no. 169) Shalit, Joseph ben Jacob, of Sabbioneta, Mantua, Venice, Printer's mark (peacock holding a worm) (Yaari, no. 19) Shapiro brothers of Slavuta, Printer's mark (a tree surrounded by wreath) Sittenfeld, Julius, of Berlin, Printer's mark (a tree with monogram JS) Sittier, of Paris, Printer's mark (monogram inside a wreath) Soncino, Gershom, of Rimini, Salonika and Istanbul, printer's mark (a tower) (Yaari, no. 6) Speyer, Gottshalk ben Avraham Segal, of Metz, Printer's mark (a Levi pouring water over the hands of a Cohen accompanied by the verse “This is what pertains to the Levites” (Num. 8:24)) (Yaari, no. 143) Spitz, Zvi Hirsch Segal of Offenbach, Printer's mark Stephanus, Robertus (Robert Estienne), and his father Carulus, of Paris, Printer's mark (An old man near the Tree of Knowledge inscribed Noli altum sapere) (Yaari, no. 27) Sulzbach, Leib, of Breslau, Printer's mark (initials LS) Typographia Libantea in Verona, Printer's mark (Verona Arena) Uri Phoebus of Amsterdam, Printer's mark Waldkirch, Konrad, of Basel, Printer's mark Wax, David Saadia Yeshaya, of Józefów, Printer's mark (Jelita coat of arms of Zamoyski Family) (Yaari, nos. 195-198) Weingarten, Sh., of Jerusalem, Printer's mark Yaffe, Israel, of Kopys', Printer's mark Zawadzki, widow of Piotr, of Warsaw, Printer's mark (monogram P Z) (Yaari, no. 166) Zevi Hirsch ben Hayyim, of Fürth, Printer's mark (unicorn and the tree of knowledge with a snake) Zevi Hirsch ben Hayyim, of Wilhermsdorf and Fürth, Printer's mark (cancer at the head of the page and two lions with a palm at the bottom) Zirndorf, Isaac ben David, of Fürth, Printer's mark Zuckermann, Samuel ha-Levi, of Jerusalem, Printer's mark (emblem of Levi) (Yaari, no. 208) Zusmans of Amsterdam, Printer's mark (a lion) (Yaari, no. 127) |