Fol. 4:
Upper margin: A man lifting a large gold cup with a lid and pointing at the text of the Kiddush.
Lower margin: Two men, two women and two children seated at the seder table. The man at the head of the table lifts up a gold cup while reciting the Kiddush. At the end of the table a man turns towards the servant who is bringing the wine (see next page, fol. 3v). A star-lamp is hanging above the table. Inscribed above the man on the left:
מקדש לאל הטוב/ הקידוש של יום טוב
“He blesses the God of mercy with the Kiddush of the Feast.”
In the middle:
צורת בעל בית ואשתו הטהורה/ יושב ומקדש במורא
“Image of a householder and his pure wife, blessing with devotion.”
Inscribed near the man on the right:
לשאת היין אתה בוחר/ ולמה אתה להביא מאחר
“You choose to carry the wine, so why are you late bringing it?.”