Fol. 12:
Two episodes are depicted in the lower and left margins, illustrating the meeting of Moses and Jethro's family. In the lower margin are Jethro's seven daughters standing behind a well and drawing water, while Moses, clad in a traveler's tunic and holding a lance, converses with them (Ex. 2:15-17). To the right is their flock of sheep. Inscribed:
"ויבא משה על הבאר שם נפש/ אומנות אבותיו תפש."
"And Moses came to rest at the well, following his ancestor's custom (i.e. meeting his future wife at a well like Eliezer for Isaac and Jacob)" (Ex. Rabbah (Vilna), 1:32.) Near the maidens is inscribed:
"וכאשר נתן משה ליל רננות/ ממדיין באו שבע בנות."
"When Moses gave a night of joy, seven maidens came from Midian."
In the upper left corner is seated Jethro, who is listening to his daughter telling him how Moses saved them from the shepherds at the well (Ex. 2:18-19). Inscribed:
"גבור חיל יפה ונעים/ הצילנו היום מן הרועים."
"A brave hero, handsome and pleasant, delivered us today from the shepherds (Ex. 2:19)."
Beneath them is Moses, wearing a traveler's tunic, with a lance in his hand. Inscribed:
"ויאמר יתרו קראנה אותו ויאכל לחם ויבא משה לביתו."
"And Jethro said: 'call him that he may eat bread' (Ex. 2:20). And Moses came into his house."
| (formerly Jerusalem, Schocken Library, 24087)