Fol. 8v:
An illustration of the adjacent text: "R. El'azar ben Azariah said…" (Berachot, 1:5) is depicted in the outer margin. Rabbi El'azar is standing in a discussion with Ben Zoma, who stands in front of him, holding an open book. The inscription above them reads:
" רבי אליעזר ובן זומא/ דורשי (דורשים על) יציאת מצרימא (!)."
"Rabbi Eli`ezer and Ben Zoma expound the Exodus from Egypt."
In the lower margin, Pharaoh's crowned daughter, clad in gold is accompanied by her four maidens. She is holding an open ark with the infant Moses inside and hands it over to Miriam, who kneels in front of her and stretches out her hand. On the left, behind her, is Jochebed, stretching out her hand, about to hold the child (Ex. 2:6-9). The inscription near Pharaoh's daughter reads:
"ותפתח בת פרעה התבה ותראהו/ ותאמרי (!) מילדי העברים הוא."
"Pharaoh's daughter opened the ark, saw him, and said: 'this is one of the Hebrews' children' " (Ex. 2:6).
An additional inscription is inscribed near Miriam, and reads:
"מרים ראה (!) הדבר והלכה/ וקרא'(ה) (ל)אם הילד בציווי המלכה."
"Miriam saw this and went to call the mother's child, at the queen's command" (based on Ex. 2:8).
| (formerly Jerusalem, Schocken Library, 24087)
M | Moses | Moses given to Jochebed