The initial word "אור" (Or – "On the eve of (the fourteenth of Nisan)"); based on Pesahim, 1:1; Toseftah, Pesahim, 1:1; B.T. Pesahim, 2 b), that opens the section of the search of the leaven in the haggadah text, is written in gold and blue letters inhabited with birds and zoomorphic motifs. In the left margin is a two-story building in which a man standing in the upper floor. He is holding a candle and a bowl, and is searching for leaven. Inscribed next to the man:
"לאור הנר ולא באבוקה/ צריכים לעשות הבדיקה."
"By the light of a candle, and not by a torch (B.T. Pesahim 7 b), one has to make the search."
Below, a woman is seen from a window, sweeping the walls with a broom, while in the cellar is a youth who sweeps between barrels, using a feather and a bowl. Next to the youth is inscribed:
"במרתף בודק העליונות/ והשורות התחתונות."
"In the cellar one searches the upper as well as the lower shelves" (B.T. Pesahim 8 b).
In the lower margin, to the right, is a man pointing at four ravens pecking in a fenced garden. Inscribed:
"(ב)חצר בדיקה אין צורך/ מפני שעורבים מצויין שם באורך."
"(In) the yard there is no need to search, because the ravens are found there at length" (B.T. Pesahim 8 a).
| (formerly Jerusalem, Schocken Library, 24087)