Memorial Name
Братська могила євреїв – жертв німецьких фашистів (приблизно 3,5 тис. чол.)
Translation: Mass grave of the Jews – Victims of the German fascists (approximately 3.5 thousand people)
Who is Commemorated?
Jewish Holocaust Victims from Lanivtsi
The monument is located in the Jewish cemetery in Lanivtsi near two mass graves. It is a concrete rectangular slab with a brown arched recess, within which there is an image of a grieving woman. Below, a Ukrainian inscription is carved, which does not mention specific information about the events and the ethnicity of the Victims. A metal plaque, attached later between the image and the Ukrainian inscription, bears a Hebrew inscription.
Жителі Ланівеччини
Жертвам фашизму
Translation: Residents of the Lanivtsi district / to the Victims of fascism
בני העיר לאנוביץ
שנהרגו בידי הפשיסטים
בכ"ח כ"ט אב וא' אלול תש"ב
ת. נ. צ. ב. ה.
ועד לאנוביץ ע"י מנדל ברימר
Translation: Here are buried / people of the town Lanivtsi / and its vicinities/ that were murdered by fascists / on Av 28-29 and Elul 1, 5702 [= August 17, 18 and 20, 1942] / 1942 / May their souls be bound in the bundle of life / Committee (Vaad) of Lanivtsi by Mandel Brimer
Commissioned by
The Soviet Authorities (the conclusion based on the initial inscription character and the date of the unveiling ceremony – May 9 – which is the official Soviet Day of the Victory in WWII).
the Hebrew plaque - Jewish Committee (Vaad) of Lanivtsi