Memorial Name
No official name
What is Commemorated?
The demolished Neolog synagogue in Senta
The monument’s shape is reminiscent of a six-pointed star if the bottom point has a flat base. The upper section, or the top end of the star, features a small circular bas-relief with a representation of the synagogue. Below is an arched inscription in Hebrew engraved on a stone panel. Beneath that, on the main body of the monument, is a panel with commemorative inscriptions in three languages: Hebrew, Hungarian, and Serbo-Croatian. The memorial is coated with blue and white mortar.
The arched inscription (Hebrew):
זה ה שער לה' צדיקים יבאו בו
Translation: This is the gate to God through which the righteous will come
On the central panel
בכאן במקום הזה היה בית הכנסת הגדול
אשר נבנה בשנת תרל"ג לפ"ק
ונהרס בשנת תשי"ז לפ"ק
Translation: Here in this place was the Great Synagogue which was built in the year 5633 [excluding thousands] and was destroyed in the year 5717 [excluding thousands].
Itt állt az egykori Nagyzsinagóga.
Épult 1873-ban, lebontották 1957-ben.
Translation: The former Great Synagogue stood here. Built in 1873, demolished in 1957.
Na ovom mestu je stajala Velika sinagoga,
podignuta 1873. godine, a srušena 1957. godine.
Translation: The Great Synagogue stood in this place, built in 1873 and demolished in 1957.
Commissioned by
The Municipality of Senta