Memorial Name
No official name
Who is Commemorated?
Jānis (Žanis) and Johanna Lipke, Righteous Among the Nations.
The monument is a half of large stone (the other half is placed on the Lipke's grave). Two metal plaques and a Star of David are affixed to it. The upper plaque has a citation from Mishna Sanhedrin (chapter 4, mishna 5) in Hebrew and a Yiddish dedication. The lower plaque has the citation and dedication in Latvian.
כל המקיים נפש אחת
כאילו קיים עולם מלא
Translation: Whoever saves one life, it is considered if he saved the whole world (Sanhedrin chapter 4, mishna 5).
אייביק וועלן לויכטן די נעמען פון
יאניס /זשאניס/ און יאהאנא
וואס האבן אין די יארן 1941 – 1944
געראטעוועט 55 יידן
Translation: The names of Jānis (Žanis) and Johanna Lipke, who in 1941–1944 saved 55 Jews, will radiate light forever.
Kas izglābis vienu dzīvību, tik
tiesam ir izglābis visu pasauli
Mužos gaismu izstaros
Jaņa / Žaņa / Lipkes un
Jahannas Lipkes vāros
1941.–1944. gadam sie varonīgie
cilvēki izglāba 55 Ebreju
No ebreju reliģiskās draudzes
Translation: Who saved one life, saved the whole world (Sanhedrin chapter 4, mishna 5).
Will radiate light forever, Jānis (Žanis) Lipke and Johanna Lipke; in 1941–1944, these heroic people saved 55 Jews.
From the Jewish religious community
Commissioned by
The Riga Jewish Community