Memorial Name:
No official name.
Who is Commemorated?
The Jews of Chmielnik, Poland, and its surroundings, perished in the Holocaust.
The memorial is located in the Western Alley of the cemetery in Holon, along with dozens of other Holocaust memorials built by Landsmannschaft organizations.
The stone memorial is a truncated pyramid set on a rectangular base. A metal menorah with metal candles topped by metal flames stands on the base, The menorah is split in the middle by the pyramid, with three branches on each side.
On the front of the pyramid, there is a relief depicting flames consuming Hebrew letters and a figure wearing a Jewish prayer shawl (Tallit).
At the base of the monument, there is a relief sculpture. The central scene shows figures fighting each other. The left scene shows a woman helping an elderly man to walk. The right scene shows a family: a woman holding a child and a man embracing her; a kneeled figure, probably wailing, appears nearby. The bottom part of the base has an inscription in Hebrew and two holders for memorial candles on each side.
On the top, in Hebrew:
קהילת חמילניק והסביבה
Translation: The Chmielnik [Hebrew name vocalized] community and its surroundings
On the base, in Hebrew:
יום הזכרון כ"ה תשרי
ארץ אל תכסי דמי... (איוב-ט"ז)
[השם יקום דמם] פה נטמן אפר קדושי חמילניק וגלובנו הי"ד
Translation: Remembrance Day - 25th of Tishrei/ Land, do not cover my blood... (Job 16)/ Here lie the remains of the holy martyrs of Chmielnik and Głowno, May God avenge the blood
Commissioned by:
Landsmannschaft organization, families of victims.
J | Jews
W | War
S | Soldier, warrior | Wehrmacht Soldier
T | Tallit (Prayer Shawl; See also: Prayer)
W | Weapons
F | Flame
A | Alphabet, Hebrew
O | Ornamentation: | Letter
F | Family | Mother | Mother and Baby
F | Family
J | Jewish man
J | Jewish woman
J | Jewish children
H | Human Figure