Memorial Name
Trakt Pamięci Męczeństwa i Walki Żydów w Warszawie (Memorial Route of Martyrdom and Struggle of Jews in Warsaw)
Who is Commemorated?
Jewish fighters and victims of the Warsaw Ghetto.
The monument is part of the Memorial Route of Martyrdom and Struggle of Jews in Warsaw.
The stone block is made of unpolished black syenite. Its upper surface is shaped like a traditional Jewish tombstone and is polished. This surface bears a depiction of a seven-branched menorah and identical Polish and Hebrew inscriptions. The dates 1940–1943, indicating the period of existence of the Warsaw Ghetto, are placed on the front of the block. Polish and Hebrew inscriptions, “Memorial Route of Martyrdom and Struggle of Jews,” are placed on the left and right sides of the block.
The block is situated in front of the monument to Monument to Szmul Zygielbojm (see here).
Szmul Zygielbojm
1895-1943, przedstawiciel Bundu
w Radzie Narodowej R.P.
w Londynie; na znak protestu
wobec bierności rządów
państw sprzymierzonych
w obliczu zagłady Żydów
w getcie warszawskim
12 maja 1943 odebrał
sobie życie
Translation: Szmul Zygielbojm, 1895-1943, representative of Bund in the National Council of the Republic of Poland in London; as a sign of protest against the passivity of the governments of allied countries in the face of the extermination of Jews in the Warsaw Ghetto, he took his own life on May 12, 1943.
שמואל זיגלבוים
1895 – 1943, נציג הבונד במועצה
הלאומי[ת] של ממשלת פולין הגולה
בלונדון. ב-12 במאי 1943
איבד עצמו לדעת במחאה על
אדישותו של ממשלות בעלות
הברית להשמדת היהודים
בגטו וארשה
Translation: Szmul Zygielbojm, 1895-1943, representative of Bund in the National Council of the Polish government in exile in London. On May 12, 1943, he took his own life as a sign of protest against the passivity of the governments of allied countries in the face of the extermination of Jews in the Warsaw Ghetto.
On the sides of the stone:
Trakt pamięci
i walki
Translation: Memorial Route of Martyrdom and Struggle of Jews
נתיב הזיכרון
Translation: Memorial Route of the Holocaust and Heroism of Jews
Commissioned by
[to be determined]