Memorial Name
No official name
What is Comemmorated?
The Synagogue destroyed on Kristallnacht
This memorial commemorates the destroyed synagogue building. It is a tall stele, made of a thin metal (bronze?) sheet with inscriptions, and upon which is affixed a second bronze panel.
On the top part of the main “background” sheet is inscribed the opening words of the “Ma Tovu” prayer in German, and a sentence identifying this as the site of the synagogue destroyed on November 8-9, 1938.
Affixed beneath this – in a central position – is a panel with a realistic representation in relief of the destroyed synagogue.
Beneath this, inscribed on the main “background” sheet is a plan of the destroyed building.
Wie schön sind deine zelte, Jacob
Wie schön seine wohnstäten, Israel
(Numer 24,5)
Hier stand die Memminger synagoge
1909 erbaut
1938 in der Reichspogromnacht zerstö
Synagogue 1909-1938
Translation: How fair are your tents, O Jacob, Your dwellings, O Israel (Numbers 24:5) [translation from JPS 2006] / Here was the Memminger synagogue built in 1909 destroyed in the Reichspogrom night 1938 / Synagogue 1908-1938