Memorial Name
No official name
Who is Comemmorated?
The 700 Jewish forced laborers from the Bor Mine Forced Labor Camp who were murdered in 1944 in Crvenka
The monument consists of an upright slab on an elongated one-stepped rectangular platform. The platform is partially covered - the covered section creates a path to the slab on which the memorial plaques are mounted. The upright slab is rectangular, made of greyish stone, and bears three plaques of black marble with commemorative inscriptions in Serbo-Croatian, Hebrew, and Hungarian. On the top, it features a menorah and Magen David made of iron designed in a minimalist, geometric mode.
The text of the Serbo-Croatian and Hungarian inscriptions are identical; they both say that 700 Jews from Hungary and Yugoslavia, forced laborers at the Bor mine, who the fascists murdered in October 1944, are buried beneath this monument. The Hebrew inscription is distinct and demands justice for the martyrs' unjust death.
Ovde počivaju posmrtni ostaci oko 700 Jevreja iz
Mađarske i Jugoslavije koje su zločinački fašisti
mučili na prinudnom radu u Borskom rudniku a u
oktobru 1944. godine zverski ubili kod Crvenke.
Njihovi su ostaci sahranjeni ispod ovog spomenika
koji je 1964. g. podigao Savez jevrejskih opština
Jugoslavije u saradnji sa Zemaljskim predstavništvom
Jevreja u Mađarskoj.
Za večitu uspomenu i opomenu
Translation: The remains of around 700 Jews from Hungary and Yugoslavia, who the criminal fascists tortured in forced labor in the Bor mine and brutally killed near Crvenka in October 1944. Their remains are buried under this monument which was in 1964 erected by the Federation of Jewish Communities of Yugoslavia in cooperation with the National Presidency of Hungarian Jews. For eternal memory and reminder.
Ezen a helyen 700 magyarországi
és jugoszláviai zsidó kényszermunkás
földi maradványai nyugszanak.
Fasiszta gonosztevők kinozták őket
Borban, majd 1944 októberében Crvenka
mellett valamennyit állati módon
Ezt az emlékművet, amely csontjaikat
őrzi ,1964-ben a Magyar Izraeliták
Országos Képviseletének hozzájáru-
lásával a Jugoszláviai Zsidó közös-
ségek Szövetsége emeltette.
Örök emlékül és figyelmeztetésül.
Translation: The remains of 700 Jewish forced laborers from Hungary and Yugoslavia rest in this place. Fascist criminals tortured them in Bor, and in October 1944, near Crvenka, They were all murdered in a barbaric manner. This monument, which preserves their bones, was erected in 1964 by the Federation of Jewish Communities of Yugoslavia with the contribution of the National Presidency of Hungarian Israelites. As an eternal reminder and warning.
לזכרון הקדושים שנהרגו כאן בשובם מעבודת כפיה מבור הי'ד לתורה ולתעודה
Translation: In memory of the martyrs who were killed here on the return from forced labor in Bor, let God revenge their blood according to law and testimony
Commissioned by
The Federations of Jewish Communities of Yugoslavia and Hungary
With the assistance of the Yugoslav Federal Secretariat for Health and Social Policy and the National Presidency of Hungarian Jews.