Fol. 20:
The Israelites, led by Moses with his golden rod held high, pass through the midst of the waters. To the left a gold-winged angel on top of a pillar of fire. To the right, another angel on top of a pillar of cloud.
Inscribed above the angel:
ואשא אתכם על כנפי נשרים
ואביא אתכם בין הגזרים
“I carried you on eagles’ wings (Ex. 19:4) and brought you between the divided (sea) (Gen. 15:17).”
Near the column:
העמוד של נורא תהי(לה)
האיר לישר' בלילה
“The column of (God) awesome in praise, gave light to the Israelites by night.” (≠ Ex. 13.21)
Inscribed near Moses:
לחרבה בקע משה המים
וינער כל מצרים
“Moses divided the water and made it dry land (≠ Ex.14:21), and overthrew all the Egyptians (≠ Ex. 14:27).”
Near the angel on the right:
ויסע מלאך אלהי' לפניהם
ויסע עמוד ענן מאחוריהם
“The angel of God went before them, and the pillar of cloud went behind them (≠ Ex. 14:19).”