The purple parokhet is made of silk velvet. The parokhet is rectangular. Five-and-five Tables ^of^the^Covenant~ surrounded by rays appear at the centre of the parokhet. A Torah^crown~ appears above the Tables of the Covenant with the inscription:
כ' ת'
Translation: Crown of Torah (int.)
A dedicatory inscription appears on the lower part of parokhet. The parokhet is encircled by a foliate runner. The dedicatory inscription is embroidered in outline letters and reads:
נדבת לב / בן כמהורר (כבוד מורינו הרב רבי) שמעון קרויס שליש / שנת ת'ע'ר'ב' לפ"ק "
Translation: A generosity of / the honourable Rabbi, our teacher R. (int.) Simon Krois Shalish / the year (5)672=(1912)
A purple kaporet on a floral background is attached to the parokhet. It bears an inscription reads:
ועשית כפרת זהב טהור
Translation: And thou shalt make a mercy seat of pure gold (based on: Exd. 25:17)