The silver gilded Torah shield is rectangular and terminates with a semi circular arch.
In the centre there is a rectangular plaque. It bears an inscription which in full square letters reads:
"זה הציץ שייך להחברי וותיקין ותהלים דפה טולטשין"
"This ziz (Torah shield) belongs to the society of vatikin and psalms of this city Tulchin".
The Tables of the covenant are depicted below, bearing full square letters: " א - י " The composition is flanked by two pillars topped by the coronets and overtopped by two ovals within inscriptions in full square letters, which read: "שבת", "קודש" "Shabat","Kodesh" In between the pillars a pole carries a curtain surmounted by a crowned eagle holding two branches. The curtain is framing the plaque. The space below the Tables is filled by a figure of lying lion en face. Two birds standing on its head and tail with flowers in their beak are supporting the Tables.
The Torah shield is framed by an internal raised line with flat and blank edges.
1.The hallmark depicts cypfer "12" framed by a rectangular. It is quality hallmark which was used in Ukraine in the 18th-beginning of the 19th c.
##cf.Postnikova-Losseva, p.133.##The hallmark depicts cyrillic initials "Sh.L" framed by a rectangular. It is unidentified artists hallmark.##cf.Postnikova-Losseva, p.132.