Memorial name
Chiune Sugihara, or Moonshine Monument
Who is Commemorated?
Chiune Sugihara, a Japanese consul, Righteous Among the Nations
This monument, made of granite, stands in a paved square in front of the Holocaust Division of the State Jewish Museum. It takes the form of an abstract human figure carrying a stone shaped like a crescent moon on its head and upright hands. The monument has a distinct “Japanese character.”
A small plaque near the sculpture bears identical Lithuanian and English inscriptions.
In Lithuanian:
Mėnulio šviesa
kilnios širdies
Japonijos konsului Lietuvoje
Čijunei Sugiharai,
1940 metais išdavusiam 2139 vizas
žydų pabėgėliams
ir išgelbėjusiam tūkstančius
Goiči Kitogava
ir Vladas Vildžiūnas
1992 m.
In English:
Let the moonlight
to the noble man,
Consul of Japan in Lithuania
Chijune [sic] Sugihara,
who in 1940 issued 2,139 visas
to Jewish war refugees
end [sic] thus saved
thousands of lifes [sic].
Goichi Kitogawa
and Vladas Vildžiūnas
Translation: Let the moonlight / glance / to the noble man, / Consul of Japan in Lithuania / Chiune Sugihara, / who in 1940 / issued 2,139 visas / to Jewish war refugees / and thus saved / thousands of lives.
Commissioned by:
Director of the State Jewish Museum, Emanuelis Zingeris (Marcišauskytė-Jurašienė 2014, 277).
Funded by the Vilnius municipality (Guzenberg 2013, 57).