The cylindrical kiddush cup is widening outwards at its rim. The outer surface of the cup is inscribed with an inscription, in square Hebrew characters. The inscription begins with a statement and continues with two lists of two different Hasidic dynasties: the dynasty of R. Israel of Ruzhin, and the Zaddikim of the Apta-Zinkov dynasty:
"זה הכוס נעשה ממטבעות מהצדיקים אשר בזכיתם (בזכותם) אנחנו חיים " // הצדיק ישראל מרוזין זצ"ל זי"ע// יו"ה הצדיקים שיחי' (שיחיו) לאי"ט (לאורך ימים טובים)/ ר' דוד משה יצ"ו מטשאר(טקוב)/ ר' מרדכי יצ"ו /מהוסיאטין/ ר' יצחק יצ"ו / מבאהש (בוהוש)// הצדיק ר' (רבי) יצחק מאיר מזינקוב זצ"ל (זכר צדיק לברכה ) זי"ע (זכותו יגן עלינו)/ הצדיק ר' זיסא (זוסיא) מזינקוב זצ"ל זי"ע / יו"ה הצדיקים שיחי' (שיחיו) לאוי"ט (לאורך ימים טובים ( /ממעזיבוז/ הצדיק ר' אברהם יהושע העשל יצ"ו (ישמרהו צורו ויחיהו) / הצדיק ר' חיים מזינקוב יצ"ו"
"This cup was made from the coins of the Zaddikim (righteouses), as in favour of their virtues we live. The Zaddik Rabbi Israel of Ruzhin, the Zaddik of blessed memory may his virtue protect us; YHV (?) the (following) Zaddikim may they live many good days: Rabbi David Moses may his Rock protect and sustain him, Tshortkov / Rabbi Mordecai may his Rock and Redeemer protect him, of Husiatyn. Rabbi Isaac may his Rock protect and sustain him of Buhosh." The second dynasty written in the second group: "The Zaddik Rabbi Isaac Meir of Zinkov, the Zaddik of blessed memory may his virtue will protect us; The Zaddik Rabbi Zisa (Zusia) of Zinkov, the Zaddik of blessed memory may his virtue will protect us; YHV (?) the (following) Zaddikim may they live many good days: from Medzibush the Zaddik Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heshel, may his Rock protect and sustain him; The Zaddik Rabbi Hayim of Zinkov may his Rock protect and sustain him."
For a Kiddush cup with a similar inscription, see: Sc. 542- 107.
the 19th century (Tardy. International Hallmarks on Silver, Paris, 1981, p. 328).
2. The initials A.Z. in a rectangular frame.
Inscriptions are engraved on the surface.
- The dynasty of Rabbi Israel of Ruzhin (1787 – 1851), and his sons: David Moses of Tshortkov (1827 – 1903), and Mordecai of Husiatyn (1834 – 1894). The city of Husiatyn is in cursive small characters. The grandson Rabbi Isaac of Bohush (1835 – 1896) is mentioned the last. The name of Bohush was added in cursive characters, next to the name.
The dynasty of Afta – Zinkov: (The initiator of the court: Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heshel of Afta (1755 - 1825), is not mentioned). The list starts with his son Rabbi Isaac Meir of Zinkov (1775 – 1885) and grandson Rabbi Zisa (Zusia) of Zinkov (died in 1866). Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heshel of Medzibush (died 1888). It concludes with Rabbi Hayim of Zinkov, the great-grandson (died in 1894). - Since Rabbi Isaac Meir of Zinkov, is mentioned as a deceased person, and he died in 1885, and Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heshel of Medzibush, is mentioned among the living Zaddikim, and he died in 1888 – the cup can be dated to the years 1885 – 1888.