Who is Commemorated?
Holocaust victims and survivors' family members of donors and all 6,000,000 victims of the Holocaust.
The monument is located in front of the synagogue and is entered to the left off the main path from the parking area to the synagogue entrance. It is surrounded by a hedge, but the tops of the “columns” are visible over the hedge.
The expansive memorial includes two large inscribed matzevah/stele-type stones on high bases which frame an entrance into a paved memorial space. These denote the sponsor and lead donors for the project. The names of other donors are inscribed on the rear. There is a stone bench in the center of the space. The perimeter is defined by a low wall that carries six tall pillars inscribed with names. The lists of names on the first four pillars are under the heading of “Holocaust Martyrs.” The names on the last two pillars are under the heading “Deceased Survivors.” According to the inscriptions at the entrance, each pillar and each base were sponsored by an individual or family.
The back of each pillar is curved and from the rear looks like a column upon which is inscribed historical information, maps, and the exhortation, “Zachor, in sacred memory of the 6,000,000 who perished during the Holocaust.” The text and maps on this side are best viewed by walking behind the tall stone pillars between the stones and the hedge and viewing the pillars close-up, Most of the inscriptions, however, are placed high enough and the font is large enough to be read from outside the enclosure, too.
Atop each of the six pillars, set like a crown, is a metal sculpture of flames, symbolizing martyrdom. Encircling are the metal flames are flame-like Hebrew letters spelling out the word “Zachor” [Remember].
On front left stele, verso
Dedicated by
Eric and Sarah (Halpern) Gordon
In memory of beloved parents and survivors
Leon and Estera (Olshansky) Halpern
In tribute to all our family members
Who survived and perished in the Shoah
Memorial design and planning by Martin Judovits,
Holocaust Survivor
On the front right stele [n.b. use of upper and lower case is not consistent throughout inscription]
Rabbi Yaacov Chaim Klein
In memory of his beloved parents Rabbi Jozsef and Toba Klein who died
al Kiddush Hashem, and in memory of his beloved wife Elka,
courageous survior and cherished Rebbetzim
Martin & Helen Judovits, Rick & Joyce Israel, Robert & Shiftra Judovits
and Lawrence & Nancy Judovits
In memory of Helen’s and Martha’s parents and many of their close
relatives who perished in the Holocaust
Mark and Tilda Fisher
In loving memory of Tilda’s father Joseph Hudson z”l
Beloved father and grandfather to Jennifer, Kevin and Seth.
A true survivor in every sense of the word. Forever in Our Hearts.
Barry and Dana Schechter and family
In loving memory of Charles (Yekuslel) Schechter z”l, beloved father, husband
and grandfather who not only survived, but flourished despite the Holocaust
Dr. Allen and Dr. Amy Wolnerman, Sheri, Rabbi Daniel & Brenda and
Moshe Eliyahu Wolnerman
In honor of their beloved parents, grandparents and great-grandparents
David and Jennie (Neier) Wolnerman, who survived the Holocaust and
Have been blessed to bring life back to this world
Dr. William and Deborah Rand
In memory of Deiga Teitelbaum, whoh gave chesed to all, Malk Grosz, a woman
of valor, and Avram and Bronta Rosmarin, wonderful parents, grandparents and
Great-grandparents. They will live in our hearts forever.
Anita Stern, Samuel Lee, Eltan Re-em and Shlomit Hila Heering
In memory our beloved parents and grandparents Elisabeth Pienica and
Leon Shloime Stern, survivors who embraced life and their family
Avi and Melinda Tansman, Maya, Gil, Dean and Noam
In Loving Memory of our Cherished Parents and Grandparents
Cila and Yechezkel Tancman
On front left pillar, recto
Lynn Welner Hahn
An everlasting memorial to those who perished and to enlighten our
future generations
Isaac Abady, Gabriel Glaun, Leo Loeffler, Adam Srtuhl,
Arielle Struhl and Danielle Wolkowicz
In honor of Rabbi Josh Broide, March of the Living 2009
Michael and Barbara Frenkel
In memory and in honor of our grandparents who perished in the Holocaust
and our parents who survived
Warren and Robin Struhl
In memory of Simon Gabor, a beautiful man, a great friend and a perfect
example of a true mensch. The Struhl family misses you.
Rabbi Samuel J. and Beatrice Levine
In memory of the Levin/Berkowitz family (Drobin, Poland) and
the Kleinman/Grossman family
Lauren, Russel, Gabriel, Amy, Samuel and Ruth Glaun
In memory of our beloved grandparents Devorah, Chaim, Fanny, Harry, Leah,
Peisel, Cille and Louis and father Ivan.
Forever in our hearts.
Esther Roth, Alex Roth and family, Elliot Allswang and family
In memory of Josif Roth, beloved husband, father and grandfather
The BRS Men's Club
To remember and memorialize the 6 Million who tragically perished.
You will never be forgotten and always in our prayers.
Daniel and Caroline Katz, Sarah, Lilly, Hannah, Jacob, Pearl and Aaron
In memory of our family heroes who suffered during the Holocaust
On the front right stele
Sarah, Joe, Jordan and Geoffrey Blumenthal
In memory of our beloved parents and grandparents
George and Berla Blass Grunbart, who survived the atrocities of Auschwitz
and were determined to build a strong Jewish family
Prosper and Pamela Abitol
In memory of our beloved fathers Lester Greenberg z"l and Jacob Abitol z"l
Seth Fisher
As part of my Bar Mitzvah in memory of my Grandfather
Joseph Hudson z"l, a survivor of the Holocaust who was such a source of
inspiration to me and who I loved so much and miss every day.
Deanna Shulman
In memory of the Rosenkranz Family
Moshe Hirth
"for the dear and the living, we must bear witness." - Elie Wiesel
In memory of my loving parents Eugenia (Sheindel) Grunfeld Hirth and
Leo (Aryeh) Hirth
Alan, Susie, Jacqueline, Alexandra, Sarah and Jacob Berger
Dedicated in honor of our father and grandfather Harry
a true survivor in every sense
Rabbi Efrem and Yocheved Goldberg
In loving memory of their great grandparents who gave their lives al Kidush
HaShem and in honor of their grandparents who survived and maintained their
faith in the darkest moments
Jeff and Fay Wolkowicz, Danielle, Shira and Matthew
In loving memory of Luba and Gedale Elbaum, cherished parents
and true survivors
Benjamin and Donna, Kelley, Elyse, Jonah and Aerin Tripp
In memory of our dear family who perished in the Shoah.
In our hearts, their sacred memory will last forever. We will never forget.
First pillar rear
Translation: Remember
In sacred
Memory of the
Who perished
during the
Second pillar rear
Inscribed map of Eastern Europe
Third pillar rear (over a large inscribed map of Europe)
The Jewish population of the communities
shown on these three maps were deported
and most of the murdered.
Fourth pillar rear
Inscribed map of Western Europe
Fifth pillar rear (over a large inscribed map of Europe)
The names on this map
are the major slave labor camps
and killing sites of the Holocaust
There were over 100 more
such camps all over Europe
Sixth pillar rear
The last words of many on the lips
of many martyrs were
שמע ישראל הי אלקינו הי אחד
Translation: Hear O Israel The Lord our G-d is one Lord" (Deut. 6;4)
“Hear, O Israel; Hashem is our God
Hashem, the One and Only”
In spite of the hardships endured,
the Jewish people are destined to be
a light to the nations of the world
עם ישראל חי
Translation: The nation of Israel lives
Commissioned by
Dr. Eric and Sarah (Halpern) Gordon
| 7900 N Montoya Cir, Boca Raton, FL 33433
Gray granite slabs (supporting wall)
Metal (aluminum or zinc?) (sculpture)
Concrete (?) paving bricks
Sponsor / donor name(s)
Historical narrative
Hebrew traditional formulas | Remember! זכור
Quote from Jewish sources | Bible | Torah / Five Books of Moses / Pentateuch | Dvarim / Deuteronomy | Deuteronomy 6:4 (שמע ישראל)
Prayer | עם ישראל חי
Quote | Quote from Holocaust survivors | Quote from Elie Wiesel
The memorial was erected under the leadership of Alan Berger, the K.A.D.I.S.H. (Keeping Alive with Dedication the Interest in, and the Study of the Holocaust) The dedication was attended by hundreds of people and was highlighted by a keynote speech from Yisroel Meir Lau, the former Chief Rabbi of Israel (1993-2003) and the Chairman of the Yad Vashem Council.