Memorial Name
Mahnmal / Monument vor der ehemaligen Synagoge Oberstraße / Monument in front of the former Oberstrasse synagogue
Who is Commemorated?
The Oberstraße Temple desecrated by the Nazis in 1938.
The bronze sculpture stands in front of the entrance to the former Oberstraße (Third) Temple, on a base made of limestone and placed in the center of the stairs leading to the synagogue.
It presents an opening of a Torah ark with a torn Torah ark curtain (parokhet) and a desecrated Torah scroll thrown on the threshold.
A bronze plaque on the front of the base contains a German inscription describing the history of the synagogue.
A plaque on the right side of the base was installed by the Program "Art in Public Space" of the City of Hamburg.
Plaque on the front of the sculpture, in German, with one Hebrew word:
Ehem. Synagoge
des Tempelverbandes
בית הכנסת
Dieses Gebäude wurde als eine der
letzten Synagogen vor 1933
nach Plänen der Architekten
Ascher und Friedmann 1930–31 erbaut.
Der Neubau löste die Synagoge
in der Poolstraße ab.
Hier fanden die Gottesdienste
des Israelitischen Tempelverbandes
bis 1938 statt.
Die hebräische Inschrift über dem
Eingang lautet: Denn mein Haus
soll ein Bethaus genannt werden
für alle Völker (Jesaja 56,7).
Translation: Former Synagogue of the Temple Association. Synagogue [in Hebrew]. This building was one of the last synagogues built before 1933 according to plans by the architects Ascher and Friedmann in 1930–31. The new building replaced the synagogue on Poolstrasse. The Israelite Temple Association's services took place here until 1938.
The Hebrew inscription above the entrance reads: For my house shall be called a house of prayer for all nations (Isaiah 56:7).
On a plaque on the right side of the sculpture, in German and English:
Doris Waschk-Balz (*1942)
Monument vor der ehemaligen
Synagoge Oberstraße
Monument in front of the former
Oberstrasse synagogue
Bronze, Muschelkalsockel
Bronze, shell limestone plinth
Programm Kunst in öffentlichen Raum
Freie und Hansestadt Hamburg
Translation: Doris Waschk-Balz (born 1942). 1983. Monument in front of the former Oberstrasse synagogue. Bronze, shell limestone plinth.
Program "Art in Public Space," Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg.
Commissioned by
The City of Hamburg (?)
S | Synagogue | Synagogue interior | Torah ark curtain
T | Torah scroll