Who is Commemorated?
Six million Jews killed during WWII
The memorial is shaped as an unevenly-shaped upright stele of unpolished marble. The upper part of the stele bears a carved Magen David. A black marble plaque with inscriptions in Russian and Hebrew is placed in the center. Two memorial candles are carved under the plaque. In the lower right part of the stele, the names of donors are inscribed.
The inscription in Russian reads:
Обелиск установлен
нижегородской сина-
гогой 9 мая 1995 г.
в память о 6000000
евреев погибших
в годы второй миро-
вой войны 1939-1945 гг.
Translation: The obelisk is erected by the synagogue of Nizhnii Novgorod on 9 May 1995 in memory of 6,000,000 Jews who perished in the years of the Second World War 1939-1945.
Below the Russian inscription there are two rows in Hebrew:
ה' ינקום דמם
ת.נ.צ.ב.ה. [=תהי נפשם צרורה בצרור החיים]
Translation: God will revenge their blood. Their souls will be bound in the bundle of life.
In the lower right, appears the acknowledgment for donations:
за пожертвования
Л. Раснецову
М. Звину
Л. Грузману
Д. Лев
Translation: Gratitude for donations to L. Rasnetsov, M. Zvin, K. Gruzman, D. Lev.
Commissioned by
Jewish community of Nizhnii Novgorod
The monument was unveiled on the 50th anniversary of WWII victory in May 1995. The first gabbai of the revived Jewish community (est. 1988) Lipa Gruzman took upon himself a major part of duties for collecting donations and erecting the monument.