The sixth and the seventh columns of text are surrounded by pen-and-ink lavish ornamentation. The medallions placed on the columns contain three scenes (nos. 6-8):
6. On the right, the king with a scepter in his hand is attended by his servant who stands next to his throne. On the left, mounted messengers deliver one of the king's decrees, possibly the decree allowing the Jews to defend themselves (Es. 8:8-10 and Es. 8:14).
7. Haman's ten sons hanged (Es. 9:14).
8. On the right, Mordecai writing the Purim letter (Es. 9:29). On the left, two figures with a tray filled with fruits (?). In the background, a city is depicted.
The case: 180 mm (height), 40 mm (diameter).
E | Esther, Book of (following the order of the story) | Mordecai writing the Purim letter (Es. 9:29)
E | Esther, Book of (following the order of the story) | Sending gifts to the poor (Es. 9:22)
E | Esther, Book of (following the order of the story) | Sending portions one to another (Es. 9:22)
C | City
C | Columns
B | Bird
O | Ornamentation: | Foliate and floral ornaments | Floral motif
A | Acanthus Leaf
O | Ornamentation: | Cartouche
A | Angel | Angel's head
O | Ornamentation: | Main text framed
The scroll is well preserved, only some slight damages on the final part of the scroll can be seen.
The Book of Esther in Hebrew
The scroll contains a total of 7 columns of text with 30 lines each, except for col. 6 which has 11 lines divided into two half-columns.
The text is written in Hebrew square script with tagin in brown ink on parchment membranes.
The letters ח (Es. 1:6) and ת (Es. 9:29) are enlarged and bolded. Other enlarged and diminished letters are included in col. 6.
The ruling and pricking are invisible.
The text panels vary in width.
A short description and images are available on (accessed on 10.07.2021).