Full-page panel next to the >Reshut> חנניה מישאל ועזריה אודיעי שמיה דקודשא for the Second Commandment, "Thou shalt have no other gods", (Davidson, II, ח No. 421, p. 241). The page is divided into two horizontal compartments. In the upper one, the dwarf "Nebucha[dnezzar]" (inscribed) is sitting on a throne to the right facing the crowned executioner and pointing to the three Hebrews in the panel below. The three standing Hebrews are wearing pointed Jewish hats and are identified as חנני' משא' ועזרי' "@Hananiah, Mishael, and Azariah". They are bound together by a rope tied round their necks and held by the executioner. In the lower panel, the dwarf Nebuchadnezzar, enthroned, is pointing to the three Hebrews in the כבשן האש"fiery furnace". In the furnace, standing under the wings of the angel גבריא' "Gabriel", depicted as an eagle, are the three Hebrews, identified underneath the frame as חנני' משא' ועזרי' "@Hananiah, Mishael, and Azariah", who are standing untied, wearing pointed Jewish hats.