This text was prepared by William Gross: Regulations of the Ashkenazi congregation of Amsterdam. Amsterdam, [1737]. Avraham Atias printing. 102 clauses of regulations. Yiddish-Deitsch in Tzena Urena letters.
The Ashkenazi community of Amsterdam grew substantially during the century from 1650 to 1750. The leadership of the community was very active in setting the religious and behavioral boundaries for the members. This bound volume of 12 different publications begins with the bylaws of the community as printed in 1737 by Avraham ben Raphael Chezkiyahu Athias, an Amsterdam printer active during the years 1728 - 1741. These bylaws are bound with another 11 additions and clarifications published by the community, primarily by the Proops and Zussman printing houses. They are gathered together in a beautiful green leather binding with gold tooling that was prepared for the Parnasim of the community. This is known as a Parnass binding with the name of the community leader tooled in gold on the cover.
[3], 33 leaves. Maker: Zelig ben Moshe Yuklis