The tower-like rimon is made of silver and consists of a shaft,a body and an apex.
A. The shaft is cylindrical and is mounted over a raised base. The base is decorated with a pattern of leaves enclosed within a volute. The shaft is divided into three decorative bands:the first one bears a wreaths pattern, the second one a geometrical design and the third one is fluted. The body has an hexagonal tower like shape and is mounted over a bowled shaped base. It is surmounted by a concave collar and a dome cap. The body base has an upper edge with a wavy rim and is decorated with a vegetal motif. Each facet of the body is decorated with a floral pattern and in front of each a running parapet is attached. On each facet one of the following Tabernacles^Implemen s is attached : the Priestly^Head^Gear, the Tables^of^ ^Covenant, the Altar,a bunch of grapes, the priestly blessing and a hand holding a pitcher which is pouring oil into a laver. Between the facets a vegetal partition is attached. A chain hangs from each partition carrying a flower-like bell.
The collar is decorated with a geometrical pattern and its upper edge has a petalled like rim. The collar is mounted over a floral disc.
The cap is decorated with fruits,flowers and leaves. The vase like apex bears flowers and is mounted over the cap.