Calendar showing the turning points of the tekufah; a maiden with a flowerpot: The page has a decorated calendar which shows the turning point of the four seasons (the tekufah; see Glossary) in perfect (שלמים) and imperfect (חסרים) years. The calendar is set within a room and illustrated by a domestic scene (fig. 1).
The four seasons (tekufot), Tishrei, Tevet, Nisan and Tammuz, are listed at the side of the two windows, and the beginning of each season, namely the day of the month, the hour of the day and the minute of the hour, are written within the windowframes.
A maiden is standing in the centre of the room wearing a red and yellow headdress, a green skirt and a blue apron, carrying a kerchief and a flowering plant towards a table covered with a decorated tablecloth.
The text below the calendar includes simanim (mnemonic signs) used as reminders for dating the Jewish holidays. The second paragraph (third text word), includes the acronym נער"ה, maiden, which the depiction illustrates.
The visual inspiration for the illustration is the woman lighting Sabbath candles, which appears in early modern illustrated manuscripts and printed books of Sifrei Minhagim (fig. 2; see Summary and Remarks above).