Hand Chart (לוח יד): The Hand Chart is an alternative method for indicating the time of change of the tekufah (seasons) in ordinary and leap years by using the palm and knuckles of the hand. The hour of the day of the tekufah is abbreviated on each of the four fingertips (left to right): ר"י (12 noon, (רוב יום, מ"י (6am, lesser day, מיעוט יום), ר"ל (6pm, most night, רוב לילה), מ"ל (12 midnight, מיעוט לילה). The joints of the four fingers are numbered א-ז (1-7) for a total 28-year cycle (Mahzor Gadol). Four of the 28 joints comprise one of the four seasons (Nisan, Tishrei, Tammuz, Tevet) and also the She'ila (שאלת מטר), the day on which Jews begin reciting the prayer for rain Ve-Ten Tal U-Matar (ותן טל ומטר). The thumb and the palm are inscribed with acronyms and other mnemonic devices.
At the end of the instructions the scribe also copied the warning about the ineffectiveness of the system: אבל לא תסמוך על זה החשבון כי רוב פעמים אינו מכוון בגורל (But do not trust this system for at most times it is not compatible with chance), perhaps referring to miscalculations (Straus 2006:21-24; Carlebach 2008:43).
The elaborate Hand occupies almost the full page, showing in both manuscripts the open left hand. The fingers, nails and palm in MS I:14 are outlined in yellow ochre, orange and green, and the decorated cuff around the wrist is in deep red and blue.